• Research Paper on:
    The double-edged Sword of Christianity

    Number of Pages: 5


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    (5 pp) Those who owned and worked slaves in the United States felt they had a God given mandate to do so, due to the color of the slaves skin and their "inferior" human nature. Believing that God has given you power, may make you very reluctant to give it up that power. This attitude made the mighty sword of Christianity, two edged - sacred and profane.

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    made the mighty sword of Christianity, two edged - sacred and profane. BBdglsbk.doc THE double-edged SWORD OF CHRISTIANITY  Written by B. Bryan Babcock for the Paperstore, Inc., December 2000 Thesis statement: Those who owned and worked slaves in the United States felt they had  a God given mandate to do so, due to the color of the slaves skin and their "inferior" human nature. Believing that God has given you power, may make you  very reluctant to give it up that power. This attitude made the mighty sword of Christianity, two edged - sacred and profane. Introduction In 1850 James Gordon Bennett, of  the New York Herald, attempted to incite a riot at the site of the American Anti-Slavery Societys anniversary meeting. He described the speakers as "William H. Furness, of  Philadelphia, white-man, from Anglo-Saxon blood; Frederick Douglass, of Rochester, black-man, from African blood; William Lloyd Garrison, of Boston, mulatto-man, mixed race; Wendell Phillips, of Boston, white-man, merely from blood." He  added that "Garrison surpasses Robespierre and his associates, for they are "Abolitionists, socialists, Sabbath-breakers and anarchists." Two-edged sword of Christianity The two-edged sword of Christianity refers to the ability  of the supposed "truth" of some Christian believers to cut through the sin of the real world for the sake of the individual soul on one side, and to  cut away from morality on the other side supporting the sin of slavery on the other. In other words we might say that it alright for me to  hold your physical body in bondage, if I am supposedly going about the business of saving your immortal soul. We should probably add, "saving" your soul, whether you want 

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