• Research Paper on:
    Theory of Concept Mapping

    Number of Pages: 13


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    In thirteen pages concept mapping theory is applied to three business journals' research findings with specifically references made to multicultural workforces and transnational business organizations. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.

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    is useful to look first of all at the principles which underlie concept mapping and why it is of particular validity in the context of assessing HRM frameworks and structures,  both as a theoretical method and as a basis for organisational strategies. Concept mapping  has several elements in common with mind mapping, which is familiar to most people from one of its simpler forms, brainstorming, which is used at all educational and business levels  from secondary education onwards. In mind mapping, one takes a central concept and then derives five or ten linked or associated concepts from it. Each of these sub-concepts is then  used as the central point from which to derive several sub-concepts of its own: the overall structure is that of a tree, with the central node being the original concept.  Concept mapping is amore complex variation of this idea, in which there is not necessarily a single main concept, but several, so that the overall structure is a network rather  than a tree. As Lanzing (2003) points out, there are various ways in which the  concepts and their links may be categorised or identified. The links can be uni-, bi- or non-directional and can be associative, specific, divided into levels of causal relationships and so  on. It is evident that concept mapping offers a lot more scope for interrelationships between concepts to be set out and defined than does mind-mapping, which does not have such  a flexible network structure. Lanzing notes that concept mapping originated from the work of Ausubel, who maintained that one must have prior knowledge in order to learn about new concepts: 

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