• Research Paper on:
    Tourism, Leisure, and Recreational Aspects of Casinos

    Number of Pages: 12


    Summary of the research paper:

    In twelve pages this paper argues that in terms of tourism, recreation, and leisure, casinos should not be regarded as a health alternative for a community. Fifteen sources are cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: AM2_PPcasino.rtf

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    offer much in terms of recreation, tourism, and leisure. On closer consideration, however, it would appear that there are also many drawbacks to this endeavor. Casinos do not  attract the well-heeled, upper-echelon representatives of society that they are often expected to attract. Instead, they often attract those in our society who can least afford to gamble.  They also have the potential to increase crime in the community as a whole. While some advocate government support of casinos, even this option can have more negative than  positive consequences. This paper will definitively demonstrate, in fact, that casinos are not a healthy community option for recreation, leisure, and tourism.  The first task at hand in demonstrating the unsuitability of casinos for recreation, leisure, and tourism is analyzing the issues surrounding gambling themselves. These issues are not only diverse,  they are extremely disturbing. Baker (1996) argues that gambling should remain in the realm of criminals, not be cloaked in the perceived legitimacy of state sponsorship. Baker (1996)  justifiably claims that states were able to legitimize this immoral activity by convincing an unwary public that the revenues from gambling would go to better benefit if harvested by state  agencies than the criminals who were previously the sole beneficiaries. Baker (1996) effectively argues that it not only debases a once strong nation to:  "let its governors take over the rackets. It is a no-class thing to do"  We have standing proof (in the form of state sponsored lotteries) that government sponsored gambling, whether that gambling be 

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