In five pages de Miranda and his ideals are examined within the context of Venezuela's securing its independence in 1811 from Spain. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
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Francisco de Miranda (1750-1816) is remembered as being one of Venezuelas greatest patriots, serving a leadership role in initiating Venezuelas independence from Spain in 1811 but not living
to see the fact fully accomplished. Though he died in a Spanish dungeon, he envisioned for Venezuela an economy and approach to everyday life similar to that which he
had found in the United States and in Europe. Creating the Ideal Anna (1996) writes that Miranda was no "great mind" (274) but
that he made detailed observations of the differences of culture between the United States of the late 17th century and that which existed in Venezuela at the time. He
traveled extensively throughout Great Britain and its colonies - both during and after the time that those colonies broke free of British control to form and independent, sovereign nation.
Miranda kept detailed records of his journeys and the observations he made along the way. "Fleeing Spanish authorities in 1783, he spent a
year touring the new North American republic. His detailed and insightful notes help us understand why the post-colonial period of these two regions turned out so very differently" (Asman 38).
Both the similarities and the differences in conditions in the new United States and in Venezuela fascinated Miranda. He notes in his journal the story of the actions
of a New England farmer when a French army detachment presumed to camp on his land. The farmer approached French general Rochambeau during the Revolutionary War to collect rent
from the general for his troops use of the farmers land. Such rent payment was not forthcoming, of course, and the farmer returned with the sheriff for the purpose