In five pages this paper examines the 1990 passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in a consideration of definitions, issues, labor market achievements, effects on the business world, and the exploitive implications of the term disabled. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
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in their workplace based on their disability. The act stipulated that if individuals were equally qualified and could perform the functions of a position with or without accommodations then the
individual should receive equal consideration for the position (Essex, 2002). Because of the act, employers are unable to turn away disabled individuals if they met all the functional terms of
a position description advertised. Other than in the employment sector, the act provides equal treatment for people with disabilities in relation to public services, public accommodations, telecommunications and provides
for protection of miscellaneous acts against people with disabilities (The ADA: A Brief Overview, 2002). Regarding the employment sector, employers must not
only provide equal consideration for new job applicants but must also provide accommodations to individuals with disabilities in their employment by considering alterations in layout of workstations and equipment modifications.
The public service sector which includes both state and local authorities must provide sufficient accommodation to people with disabilities regarding public services and programs, and access to public transportation services
such as trains and buses. Public accommodations which include service industries such as restaurants, hotels, grocery and retail stores and privately owned transportation companies, must also include disability access for
any new structures being built and alterations to current structures to comply with the Act (The ADA: A Brief Overview, 2002). The telecommunications industry must provide those requiring special telephone
relay services, for the deaf, with service. Lastly, the miscellaneous title in the act handles situations of discrimination or abuse against any individuals who are disabled or toward any situations
of abuse for those who attempt to aid the disabled (The ADA: A Brief Overview, 2002). The act also defines the term "disabled"