• Research Paper on:
    2 Poems by T.S. Eliot

    Number of Pages: 9


    Summary of the research paper:

    This paper contrasts and compares the human condition and man's relationship with society as represented in the T.S. Eliot poems 'Sweeney Amongst the Nightingales' and 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' in 9 pages. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: JL5_JLEliot.rtf

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    Eliot" Research Compiled for Enterprises Inc By , 7-Jan-13 To Use This Report Correctly, Please     Despite her masculine pen-name, George Eliot was in fact a woman named Mary Ann Evans who was born in the English Midlands in  1819, the daughter of a well-to-do estate agent. When Mary Ann was sixteen her mother died and she took over the running of the household for her father, which was  a common practice in nineteenth century England. The family was conservative and conformist, and Mary Ann was brought up in a conventional and religious atmosphere. She inclined towards Calvinism, a  strictly doctrinal interpretation of Christianity, but under the influence of various intellectuals with whom she associated, she gradually became more sceptical and clashed with her father over the matter of  attending church services. She continued to maintain her fathers household until his death, by which  time she was thirty years old. In Victorian England, it was normal for girls to marry young, and Mary Ann was unusual in that she had remained single, and had  some degree of financial independence as a result of benefiting from her fathers will. It is evident that because of her upbringing, her contact with intellectuals and her own capacity  for independent thought, that she was something of a nonconformist in social terms, and this was reinforced when she entered into a common-law marriage with her editor, Henry Lewes. 

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