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A sample research study that looks at ADHD alternative therapies that do not include stimulants forms the basis of this paper consisting of fourteen pages. There are thirteen bibliographic sources cited.
Pages: 14
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A 12 page research paper that summarizes and analyzes research literature. This examination of research literature on the treatment of adolescent depression looks at studies that features CBT or IT psychotherapies, antidepressant medication and also studies that combine these approaches in order to determine in order to compare treatment outcomes. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Pages: 12
In ten pages this research paper presents a mental retardation overview that includes definition, its causes, negative perceptions, historical misconceptions, education of children, and future research. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In six pages this research paper proposes a study on the linkage between video gaming by children and adolescents and increased incidences of aggression. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 6
The writer examines the results of primary research which assessed the parenting style of mothers and delayed gratification to determine if they could be used to predict ODD in Mexican American adolescents. The writer presents an interpretation of the findings, comparing the results with previous research, and discussing the implications of the findings. Nineteen sources ...
Pages: 19
This paper presents a research proposal that investigates the effect of training parents in applied behavior analysis on the functional behaviors of autistic children. There are eight sources listed in the bibliography of this four page paper.
Pages: 4
This is a followup paper to a proposal to implement a smoking cessation program in a mental health hospital. In this essay, a health information system is introduced with a discussion of benefits. The essay also explains how goals and objectives will be measured, resources that will help the program, outcomes and evaluations, and the ...
This research paper encompasses a research proposal that addresses the process of testing a hypothetical new medication that would be used to treat bipolar disorder. Each part of the proposed study is addressed, as the writer includes such factors as research design, hypotheses, criteris for inclusion of subjects, etc. The proposed design is that of ...
Pages: 5
A 10 page paper. In the last few years, scientists have been trying to link a particular parasite that cats have to schizophrenia. The evidence reported in this proposal is somewhat convincing but is it really? The writer presents these sections in the proposal: Introduction, Literature Review, including the research question, the Methodology, which is ...
This paper presents a research proposal. The introduction discusses autism and the literature review discusses the use of psychotropic medications. There are ten sources listed in the bibliography of this five page paper.
This is a research proposal that focuses on numerous sleep-wake disorders. The symptoms, consequences of each, and treatments that have been used for them are presented. The purpose of the study is provide counselors more insight along with treatment possibilities. There are eighteen sources listed in the bibliography of this twenty page paper.
Pages: 20
In five pages this paper examines the necessity for mental health services and facilities for homeless individuals. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages a proposal for screening and treating new mothers for postpartum depression is presented. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper presents grant proposal for a TeenScreen suicide prevention pilot program that includes a budget, local agencies that would foot the bill, and program assessment. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
A 17 page overview of conduct disorder. This paper relates that the author's own childhood experiences cemented their interest in this disorder. A detailed review of five articles is provided as is a proposal for additional research. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Pages: 17
In twenty four pages child molestation is psychologically analyzed through several methodologies in this comparative analysis of two cannibalistic killers and child molesters. There are twenty five sources cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 24
This 8 page paper outlines a methodology to test the hypothesis that there is an inverse relationship between memory recovery of child sexual abuse and the development of posttraumatic stress disorder and to assess the value of a potential intervention. The paper outlines an intervention with the use of the refugee model and develops a ...
Pages: 8
There is a scale of addiction-on one side is complete abstinence, to abuse, to dependence, to addiction. It is very difficult to help someone in those last two spots on the scale. This essay discusses several issues related to substance abuse disorder, including discernment of these terms, substance use, abuse, dependence, and addiction, why people ...
16 pages and 13 sources. This paper provides an overview of the life and upbringing of Aileen Wuornos, who was abused and traumatized as a young child and lead to her choice to mass murder. This paper considers the nature of psychological functioning and the way in which environment can shape a person. ...
Pages: 16
8 pages in length. As social animals, humans require positive interaction with others in order to develop and maintain a sense of self within the boundaries of a civilized society. When placed in situations where emotional bonding is withheld, power is one-sided or personal identity is stripped, people find that such hostile environments ...
In thirteen pages this paper discusses clinical practice and theoretical model integration in a schizophrenia family work case study. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 13
In six pages a self psychology application is featured in this case study overview. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this paper considers the case study of forty four year old Richard who has been recommended for counseling because of alcohol abuse in a comparative analysis of which theory would best fit his particular situation. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In four pages a case study is used to discuss a depressed man that relies less on emotions and more on automatic responses. One source is cited in the bibliography.
Personal aspects of this female client are explored in addition to career problems. Various well known authors are used to examine this case in seven pages. Fifteen resources are listed on the reference page.
Pages: 7
In twelve pages a case study involving a grieving woman are examined in terms of etiology, types of nursing interventions, and outcomes. Fourteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
In twenty seven pages and 2 parts this paper discusses man's stages through the models of Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud and also examines client assessment and cognitive behavioral therapy treatment alternatives. Nineteen sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 27
In a paper consisting of eight pages this case study concentrates on the sociopath serial killer Ted Bundy and the monster he carefully hid behind a veneer of humor and intelligence. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 9
In six pages this paper examine how to provide a patient case study in a demonstration of how to use various evaluation tools that will meet individual patients' needs. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In twelve pages a patient is assessed in a manner outlined in this paper based upon the diagnostic information contained within the Fourth Edition of the Text Revised Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
Juan is a fourteen year old boy and the focus of a case study in which cognitive behavioral therapy treatment is applied in a paper consisting of fifteen pages. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 15
In a follow up to PGcbtcspn.rtf this paper consists of nine pages and features the method of cognitive behavior therapy in an intake interview script that evaluates statements and the time limitations' impact upon lack of exploration of some pertinent contextual information. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
In three pages this case study discusses a mentally challenged woman who enters a facility seeking Halcyon she hopes will rid her head of the voices she constantly hears.
Pages: 3
In six pages this text that focuses upon the mental health environment and the injustices that occur within are reviewed and discussed. There are no other sources listed.
In five pages a general discussion of autism leads to an evaluation of Autism Explaining the Enigma by Uta Frith. There are no other sources listed in the bibliography.
In seven pages foot partialism and leather fetishism are defined, discussed, and then psychological differences between each are explored. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper examines criminal behavior in a consideration of the motivations and personality characteristics theorists have identified with regard to serial killers. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this report applies Samenov's text to a discussion of serial killers Andrew Cunanan, John Gacy, and Angel Maturino Resendez. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
This paper examines community training programs associated with educating police officers on how to handle suspects who are mentally ill in 5 pages. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this paper discusses kleptomania in terms of a different perspective regarding behavioral motivation. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper discusses guardianship, supplemental benefits, social services, social role valorization, normalization, historical treatments and trends, classification standardized testing, and federal definition as the pertain to developmental disabilities. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
This paper considers the impact of adoption in serial killing in this comparative analysis of murderers Jeffrey Dahmer and David Berkowitz, with one of these men having been adopted. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Various theories and ideas about the much used insanity defense are duly noted. Some opinion about this defense is included by the author who provides ten pages of research and lists four sources in the bibliography.
In eight pages this paper considers how the connection between crime and class can be best understood through an analysis of criminal psychological cognition. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper examines addiction in terms of reasons and effects. There are five bibliographic sources cited.
This five page paper compares and contrasts these interesting works by Michael Ventura and John Leonard. Three sources are included in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper analyzes Bartleby's behavior in a consideration of the effects of his mental state and physical appearance. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of 5 pages Temple Grandin's autobiography on her struggles with autism and problems of social assimilation is examined. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In 8 pages this paper discusses Massachusetts' community care programs and how schools for mentally disabled persons may be phased out by the state.
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