A 10 page review of five research studies employing various methodologies to reduce infection rates. The use of heparin is compared to solutions of citrate and taurolidine, gentamicin and citrate, and vancomycin and gentamycin. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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with a Novel Antimicrobial Lock Solution. CID, (36), 1539(6), Retrieved Nov 16, 2007 from: http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/CID/journal/issues/v36n12/30697/30697.web.pdf?erFrom=4204902966192870639Guest
Hemodialysis patients require regular access via a catheter before a fistula or graft can be installed. This access can, however, be a port for bacteremia entry into
the body. Bacterium develop on the inner surface of the catheter as early as twenty four hours after they are placed. Thrombosis is an obvious concern for
these patients. Systemic antibiotics and/or the irrigation of the catheter with concentrated antibiotics have been relied on to prevent bacterium infection via catheter. Still, however, there has been
a problem with Candida infections in particular. This problem is addressed in the June 15, 2003 article, "Prophylaxis against Dialysis Catheter-Related Bacteremia with a Novel Antimicrobial Lock Solution".
Researcher Michael Allon investigates the effectiveness of an antimicrobial lock solution as a preventative in bacterial infections as they sometimes occur with dialysis catheterization.
Rather than exclusively employing heparin or a citrate solution as is routine for these types of patients, Allon (2003) utilized a taurolidine and citrate solution to eliminate
the catheter biofilm which is associated with infection. Taurolidine was selected for this catheter lock solution (CLS) for its broad spectrum antimicrobial effect and in recognition of the fact
that, while other options are available, antibiotic resistance is quick to develop and identifying additional methods to prevent catheter infection is critical to maintaining a diverse pharmaceutical arsenal that offers
sustainable resistance to microbial infections. Taurolidine is particularly useful in this application because it offers protection not just from Candida albicans but also from both gram positive and gram