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In three pages Miami Beach's Police Department is subjected to a SWOT analysis. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 3
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In three pages this research paper on alcoholism examines its social impact in an overview that includes definition, symptoms, treatment, and health effects on the individual and on society. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses the topic of homosexuality in adolescents. There are four bibliographic sources cited.
Pages: 5
In five pages qualitative research is designed and then is applied to studying the social sciences. Seventeen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 15
A 3 page research paper that discusses the ongoing debate between researches as to which research methodology is more reliable. With a particular focus on sociological research, the writer defines the differences between the two methods and then discusses the debate, especially with regard to the validity of qualitative measures. The writer argues that both ...
In this eight page paper the author reviews two articles in tourism and leisure research. Strengths and weaknesses are detailed as is the research methodology. Four sources.
Pages: 8
An 8 page research paper that discusses sociological research. This examination of W.F. Whyte's study, Street Corner Society, first of all, offers a synopsis of the study, but then goes on to compare Whyte's methodology with the suggestions made by Robert K. Yin in his text Applied Social Research Methods. After this section of the ...
A 3 page research paper that offers a study critique on 2 sections of a study article. In a research study article posted on the National Criminal Justice Reference Service site, Herrara, Vang and Gale (2002) offer a detailed description of their study design and methodology, which examined the characteristics and efficacy of three group ...
In eight pages this research paper examines stress in a consideration of various strategies of adjustment and coping. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
This research paper contains six pages and examines three studies that evaluate how the media affects alcohol consumption and argues that it can play either a detrimental or beneficial role based upon concepts of social norms as determined by society and perceptions. There are three bibliographic sources cited.
Pages: 6
In ten pages this research paper examines the problem of street drugs in Jersey City and how community residents and police can work together to combat this growing problem. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In fourteen pages this research paper considers Hong Kong's social and economic situation and the effects of globalization. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 14
This research paper consists of an eight page examination of adult children who either move in with their parents or leave home at a late age. The writer included a hypothetical case study that can provide a helpful guideline in the creation of individual original research studies. There are four bibliographic sources cited.
In six pages this paper examines quantitative and qualitative scientific research methods in terms of definition, pros and cons of each regarding how each can be applied an an analysis of leisure. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper examines 1990s' family research in a discussion of how children are being affected by families and the recent 'blending' concept. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this research proposal argues in favor of researching parenting style variations as they pertain to gender differences. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 7
In ten pages this research paper examined a hypothetical case study involving a seventy year old woman's lifetime of leisure experience and includes a literature review that highlights Mannell and Kleiber's 1997 research with methodology, results, and conclusions also provided. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
A 10 page research paper that offers a proposed research study, that is, a template on how a study might be structured in order to address the efficacy Maryland’s computerized data system that is designed to track the caseloads being addressed by the state’s child protective services. In formulating this guide, the writer first describes ...
A 20 research paper that answers specific questions that pertain to qualitative research. The writer particularly draws on Creswell's discussion of the five traditions of qualitative research. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Pages: 20
An 8 page paper assesses the probable causes of bullying. The author presents a research proposal to quantify the relationship between bullying, violent media content, and shyness. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
In twenty five pages this research paper attempts to answer the question 'Does mass media affect the image of Christmas?' An exhaustive bibliography is also provided.
Pages: 25
In eleven pages this research paper considers how alternative approaches and interviewing failures have reduced the incidences of inner city public school violence and drug abuse with a literature review and recommendations provided. There are more than fifteen sources cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 11
Many issues are discussed in respect to lesbian and gay families. Current literature is explored. This well researched report examines this topic in a variety of ways. This twenty-five page paper has fourteen sources listed in the bibliography.
This research paper consists of fifteen pages and discusses hospice social workers in a consideration of their responsibilities and a research proposal to assess their job satisfaction levels is also presented. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography.
In forty five pages this research paper presents a sociological overview of the implications of an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder. Thirty one sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 45
The mentally retarded are the focus of this paper that looks at group counseling. This is not an ordinary approach taken with this particular population. This five page paper has eleven sources listed in the bibliography.
In eight pages this research paper examines David Snow and Leon Anderson's 1993 text Down on Their Luck: A Study of Homeless Street People in order to dispel the perpetuated myths that homeless people are mentally incompetent or lazy. There are no other sources listed in the bibliography.
In ten pages this research paper features a literature review on studies pertaining to people who quit smoking and seeks to determine how many of these thirty nine questionnaire respondents are able to permanently kick the habit. Nineteen sources are listed in the bibliography.
In five pages this research proposal discusses the relationship between the desire to belong to a group and low self esteem or lack of an individual identity. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this research paper examines intergroup contact, reducing prejudice and the barriers that often result in failure of such contact to minimize prejudice. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this paper presents a research proposal regarding domestic abuse and women in an investigation of whether or not it is less reported by women of higher socioeconomic position. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In nine pages domestic violence is examined in an overview of its relevant issues with statistical data provided and then a community needs assessment research proposal to greater address this problem in terms of targeting certain areas, greater education, and community input with qualitative and quantitative approaches considered along with U.S. Census Bureau retrieval information ...
Pages: 9
The two greatest challenges faced in respect to gender roles is the use of the binary system and discrimination against women, and against those who do not fit a role in the gender model. Challenges are discussed. Solutions are proposed. There are four sources listed in the bibliography of this six page paper.
This research paper introduces the topic by relating it to a short story, "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver. Then, the writer summarizes some of the findings of empirical research on how prejudice can be reduced. Six pages in length, six sources are cited.
This research paper offers a description of recent studies on human sexuality, paying particular attention to the topic of cultural differences. Seven pages in length, seven sources are cited.
This research paper summarizes the finding of Anderson and Greene (2011) who investigated the topic of dating after divorce. Counseling implications are discussed. Five pages in length, two sources are cited.
In six pages a model proposal detailing ways in which sporting events' game fixing and gambling by college students can be curtailed is presented. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of five pages the sample state of Flordia is used in a proposed child abuse program with targeted counties utilizing a team approach to ease social workers' workloads. There are four bibliographic sources cited.
In a paper of ten pages, the writer looks at distracted driving. Possible interventions are examined by way of a research proposal. Paper uses five sources.
This research paper explored organizational websites of intuitions that focus on global issues, such as environmental issues, poverty, food supply and women's rights. The writer investigated six issues and provides brief summations about organizational missions, questions raised, the impact of the issue on language learning, and the writer's personal view on the issue. The paper ...
A 25 page research. Depression can greatly complicate the processes of recovery after a coronary episode. Furthermore, the presence of depression has been known to precede the development of heart disease. This following proposal outlines research on how to organize and lead a small group of heart patients, which concludes with offering personal reflections on ...
In twelve pages this questionnaire research proposal on this topic includes a literature review and a survey consisting of thirteen questions. Thirteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 12
In twelve pages this paper examines the value of researching a correlation between crime and drugs and evaluates relevant literature on the topic. There is an annotated bibliography of twenty sources listed.
In eight pages stereotyping as it relates to academic performance of students who have disabilities and include educational partitioning but emphasizes the reasonable role stereotyping could play in educational improvement. There are seven bibliographic sources cited.
In five pages this sarcastic commentary applies Swift's tale to contemporary America in regards to whether or not the result would be reduced poverty, taxation, and crime. There are three bibliographic sources.
In seven pages this paper examines the problem of crack cocaine abuse of African American women and proposes improved living standards that will provide opportunities that can go a long way for reducing their drug dependency and spare their babies from being born with a crack addiction. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
This paper of five pages is structured as a letter addressed to the Committee on Finance and proposes the revamping of the welfare program and an addedp program for transients and their needs. There are three bibliographic sources cited.
In nine pages this proposed shelter discusses design, staffing, and salary ranges and including GED and twelve step programs. There are ten sources cited in the bibliography.
In sixty three pages a research proposal project on the Head Start program includes three chapters of background, literature review, and metodology along with a study and its results. Twenty nine sources are cited in the bibliography with an abstract also included.
Pages: 63
In eleven pages this proposal considers a scenario in which middle school student parents maintain promiscuity is encouraged by sex education and then examines a possible study measuring the program's effectiveness with different measurement types and their validity analyzed. One source is cited in the bibliography.
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