• Research Paper on:
    Data Protection Act

    Number of Pages: 5


    Summary of the research paper:

    In a paper consisting of 5 pages the flaws of the Data Protection Act are examined along with areas that might require additional reform or interpretation discussed. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: JL5_JLdatprot.rtf

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    In order to consider the effectiveness of the data protection legislation in the UK, it is useful to look at some of the ways in which data  protection operates and how well the current laws can be said to protect the interests of both the public and the organisations which are responsible for holding data. It could  be asserted that, whilst the recent Data Protection Act is effective in some respects, it has been perceived as flawed in other areas, and that there are some elements which  could be considered as appropriate for reform.  For example, it is evident that not everyone is aware of their rights under the Act, and that there is some concern regarding  the way in which data is held and the extent to which the general public is apprised of the parameters of the current legislation. Left (2001) makes the point that  breaches of security have tended to be given considerable publicity, and as a result the public tend to regard the Act with some degree of suspicion, since they are not  kept fully informed of the areas which are covered by the legislation and what rights they enjoy as a result.  Despite the fact that there has been considerable  debate in the media regarding the way in which data protection operates, many people are still unaware that they are entitled to access information which is held about them. Frank 

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