• Research Paper on:
    High School Students and an Online Community College Creation Course

    Number of Pages: 7


    Summary of the research paper:

    In seven pages the creation of an online community college course for high school seniors is examined in terms of considerations, marketing, and clarification regarding student understanding of college challenges. There is 1 source cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: D0_BWwebed.rtf

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    the challenges of college, how to meet those challenges, and, hopefully, choose their institution as the place to begin their college career. However, marketing the community college is very much  secondary to exposing students to topics such as how to choose classes, how to budget both time and finances, and choosing a major. Bibliography lists one source. BWwebed.rtf  206252 Creating an Online Community College Course for High School Students By: C.B. Rodgers - October 2001  -- for more information on using this paper properly! Introduction The first thing the student writing about what he or she can offer a potential  client is why they are best-suited for this project. The outline of what "Sierra Community College" wants to accomplish in terms of providing a learning experience for a particular target  population through use of the Internet. The student working on this project will want to emphasize the fact that the elements of a successful on-line effort requires that the organization  presenting themselves on the Internet educate the "consumer" (student, customer, special interest group), entertain and engage them, and do everything possible to keep the audience interacting with the "product" being  presented. And yet, there is a fine line to be walked not to "over-do" the web site or make it difficult to fully utilize. The student will want to convince  the administrators at the community college that s/he knows where that line is drawn and how to assure that it is not crossed. The fact that Sierra Community College understands  the importance of getting its message to high school seniors underscore the colleges commitment to reaching the most appropriate audience. That audience consists of the seniors at ten high schools 

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