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This paper consisting of eight pages includes an outline of a three part paper that first presents explanations of an ethical business dilemma followed by comparisons of three copier machine company websites and why they weren't successful in generating consumer attention. There are six bibliographic sources cited.
Pages: 8
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In ten pages this paper examines similarities and differences in automobile advertising in Sweden, Japan, and China. There is the inclusion of a bibliography.
Pages: 10
In six pages this research paper discusses the Internet with the focus being banner advertising. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 6
In six pages this paper presents a research study proposal to verify the information presented in anti smoking advertising campaigns. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a research paper consisting of five pages the publication's purposes are first discussed before an article sample from the May/June 2000 issue is analyzed. There are no other sources listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 5
A 12 page research paper that offers a student assistance in designing a qualitative research project that proposes to investigate the effect that viewing print media ads and their presentation of the female body has on women consumers. Tutorial language and the page count includes a 2 page annotated bibliography. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Pages: 12
In nine pages this student supplied case study on Virgin Atlantic Airways includes an analysis of the problem, challenges, a SWOT analysis, 3 alternative suggestions and an assessment of their feasibility. There is no bibliography but there is the inclusion of one table.
Pages: 9
This is a comprehensive analysis including a SWOT analysis, a GE matrix analysis and many other inclusions. This paper is broken down into various subheadings for clarity. One illustration and various raw data are also a part of this paper. This twenty page paper has seventeen sources listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 20
A SWOT analysis of United Parcel Service is the primary focus of this paper consisting of twelve pages with company history and marketing campaigns also discussed. Sixteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
A 17 page paper. The purpose of this report it to present a marketing audit of Schering-Plough. The report describes the business sectors in the company, including statistical data regarding sales and major events such as mergers. The report includes external and internal evaluations and discusses what external factors have an impact on the company's ...
Pages: 17
In fifteen pages a proposal to investors involving marketing chiropractic office services over the Internet through website development is presented which includes the standard proposal considerations of company overview, executive summary, marketing plan and comparison, data, costs of establishment and maintenance, opportunities, obstacles, plans, research, and investor offerings. Eight sources are cited in the ...
Pages: 15
In a paper containing five pages a research proposal overview that outlines advertising psychology methodology is presented. There are five bibliographic sources cited.
This 3 page paper is a research proposal to study the impact that advertising has on the behavior and values of children under the age of 8. The proposal gives an introduction, hypothesis, justification for the research briefly outlines a methodology. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Pages: 3
The writer presents a research proposal to investigate the way in which animated or cartoon rich advertisements impact on the way children perceive marketing. The paper outlines the research idea and proposes a methodology. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography of this eleven page paper.
In nine pages this paper discusses why marketers target children because of the influence they wield regarding parental purchases. Twelve sources are listed in the bibliography.
Advertising is undertaken to attract consumers and support sales. The research proposed has the aim of assesses the way that advertisements may have a direct impact on consumers and what factors may influence the consumers perception of an advertisement. The document is a fulfill research proposal including justification, research questions, literature review and methodology. ...
In twenty three pages this paper considers the market of the West and how to introduce the fashions of Japan into it in a proposal that includes an email survey and interview assessment. Sixteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 23
In a paper consisting of 25 pages the emphasis on what Apple can do in terms of marketing strategies to effectively compete are discussed in the form of a thesis with an identification of the company's strengths compared with various marketing campaigns in order to determine if these strengths are reflected therein. Twenty five ...
Pages: 25
This 11 page paper presents research findings based on a questions provided by the student to assess the perceptions of the general public regarding the presence and influence of ethics in marketing. The paper presents an introduction, methodology, findings and analysis of findings. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Pages: 11
In a paper of eight pages, the writer looks at the wind power industry. The capacity of the industry to support profitable advertising is explored. Paper uses eight sources.
A 7 page research paper that discusses Naomi Klein's text No Logo, which argues that big corporations, through the medium of brand names, are responsible for exploiting workers in Third World countries, manipulating consumers and, in general, acerbating the decline of Western culture. This exploration of Klein's book first summarizes and describes her basic arguments, ...
Pages: 7
In six pages this paper examines the power represented by the human physical body and the negative impact of a power shift. Four fashion model visuals are included and eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In four pages 3 examples of strong public relations campaigns are examined and include those of Prince Charles, Greenpeace and George Bush. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 4
In three pages this paper analyzes the quote 'In an age of information overload, people's attention becomes precious. Power shifts from media owner to attention owner.' Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
This paper provides an outstanding example of strategies and approaches for increasing profitability that is applicable to any business. The author provides recommendations such as advertising campaigns, maximizing assets, and efficient operations. Includes financial analysis graphs. This five page paper has no sources listed in the bibliography.
This report presents a marketing case study of First Alert smoke detectors in six pages. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
This paper provides a case study conducted by the student regarding Frigidaire's front-loading washing machine. The author examines reasons why such an innovative product failed to meet market projections by using the Four P's marketing technique. This six page paper has one source listed in the bibliography.
In seventeen pages this paper examines the U.S. market positioning of the Land Rover Discovery 4x4 SUV in a report that includes marketing strategies and recommendations. One source is cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper discusses the issues associated with the Procter and Gamble's trademark and the rumors associated with it that links it to Satan worship. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
In four pages student supplied questions directed toward organizational practices are answered in this case study that include discussions of 'doing the right thing,' ethics, politics both internal and external, and accountability. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages and a question and answer format Protege and Mazda6 products are examined in a consideration of marketing campaigns and the positioning of product lines at Mazda. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
A 3 page research paper that presents an argumentative essay on the nature of advertising and suggests that advertising, in many cases, as gained too much influence, especially in regards to corporations designing lesson plans for school children. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
In two pages the argument that advertising should not be regarded as an example of 'Freedom of the Press' is presented. There is no bibliography provided with this paper.
Pages: 2
In five pages the advertising industry is examined in terms of creativity changes with some advertising agencies explored in a specific consideration of creative forces and media changes. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages ecommerce is the focus of how to evaluate commercial websites in order to successfully develop one's own. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this paper evaluates the effects of advertising in terms of appealing to emotions or logic with a survey sample and its results included. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of five pages the usefulness and informative aspects of advertisements in terms of consumers are questioned in this essay. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this paper considers the marketing of political candidate Al Gore in a strategic examination that includes the 4Ps, candidate strengths and weaknesses, organizational issues, and communications. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In twelve pages this theory's concepts are examined within the context of the 2000 U.S. presidential election with attitude paths known as 'peripheral route' and 'central route' explored. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of 5 pages the methods of advertising campaigns and marketing strategies and their impact upon public's perceptions of coffee are discussed in terms of increased sales. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this essay considers a product's four stage life cycle in a discussion of company implementation strategies regarding mature product marketing limitations. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
A 3 page overview of the 1994 book by Sharlene Hesse-Biber. The Cult of Thinness and the Commercialization of Identity is the focus. 1 source is listed.
An 11 page essay describing the importance of establishing a brand name in achieving product success through customer attraction and loyalty. 6 sources.
In 5 pages this paper equates the future milk consumption to the influential advertising campaign. There is 1 source listed in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper analyzes the website featuring antique telephones. A visual is also included.
In eleven pages this paper discusses the significance of advertising research in a consideration of the relationship between agency and client, pretesting issues, and other preferable options. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper examines Martha Stewart and examines the business of being this multimedia business tycoon. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses how advertising is less about product marketing than it is about making a psychosocial impact. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
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