In five pages this paper examines how an OSHA approved program of fire safety can be established in the workplace. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
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startling realities it becomes obvious that it is imperative that workplaces understand the importance of a fire safety program. And, with the following statistics in hand, we can see even
more how important such programs can be: "According to National Safety Council figures, losses due to workplace fires in 1988 totaled $3.1 billion. Of the more than 5,000 persons who
lost their lives due to fires in 1988, the National Safety Council estimates 360 were workplace deaths" (OSHA, 2002; oshafire.htm). There are many ways to implement a fire safety program,
and many different organizations which can assist a business in establishing such a program. But, perhaps most importantly, it is important to adhere to OSHA guidelines when planning a program.
Bearing that in mind we present the following paper which first provides an overview of the OSHA guidelines in regards to fire safety, and then illustrate aspects of a possible
workplace fire safety program. OSHA Guidelines In the most basic illustration of guidelines we find that "OSHA standards require employers to provide proper exits, fire fighting equipment, emergency
plans, and employee training to prevent fire deaths and injuries in the workplace" (OSHA, 2002; oshafire.htm). Every workplace building is required to have at least two ways in which people
can escape a fire. That means there must be two doors that are explicitly used for the purpose of such emergencies. They must not be blocked or locked. "Delayed opening
of fire doors is permitted when an approved alarm system is integrated into the fire door design. Exit routes from buildings must be clear and free of obstructions and properly
marked with signs designating exits from the building" (OSHA, 2002; oshafire.htm). We also note that fire extinguishers are required as well. And, those employees who are expected to use