• Research Paper on:
    Overview of Cybersquatting

    Number of Pages: 12


    Summary of the research paper:

    In twelve pages cybersquatting is defined and discussed regarding such issues as trademark law, philosophical considerations, and recent cases. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: RT13_SA139cyb.doc

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    cases are discussed and philosophical issues are broached. Bibliography lists 10 sources. SA139cyb.rtf I. Introduction The impact of  the Internet on society cannot be overstated. Obviously, it has turned the world around, and changed things forever as businesses become cyber-businesses and people begin to telecommute. It sounds cosmic,  but it is very real and is something to which many people can attest. However, as with any other new tool, legal issues will arise. One very important issue today  concerns domain names and charges of cybersquatting. Before delving into exactly what that is, it is important to look at trademark law, which is at the crux of the matter.  Just as one cannot open a company and manufacture jeans with the name Rangler instead of Wrangler, because even though the spelling is different, the name is still the same,  one cannot use a stars name for their own purposes without a confrontation. However, trademark issues become more complex on the Internet. After all, the Internet is a venue for  free speech and it there are no holds barred. In a place where Pamela Andersons sex video is allowed to be shown without her permission, some wonder why others make  a big deal about domain names that are only similar to a particular company name. Still, the Internet is not an area where there is no law, despite the  fact that it is International and not regulated by domestic law in the same way as other things. The issue of cybersquatting, where one essentially holds a domain name hostage,  is viewed as illegal. Many in fact have won cases against unscrupulous individuals just wanting to make a quick buck, but there are new solutions to be explored and philosophical 

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