• Research Paper on:
    Randall N. Robinson's The Debt

    Number of Pages: 5


    Summary of the research paper:

    In five pages this paper presents a text summary and a review. One source is cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: D0_MBrobinson.rtf

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    before enough is enough. However, the kind of debt that Robinson is speaking of has little to do with actual money (though that IS mentioned) and speaks more to the  emotional and social debt as well. Interestingly enough, he not only holds whites accountable for the debt, but also lays some of the blame in the lap of the black  man and woman. As such, then, this book can be recommended reading for anyone, speaking to universal truths to which everyone can identify and in the end successfully challenging America  to step up to the plate and do what is right for everyones sake. For centuries there has been a great gaping wound where race relations is concerned. Many  remedies have been tried to heal this wound. Everything from money to government programs have attempted to right wrongs which occurred centuries ago. And, ironically enough, it hasnt helped and  in fact, in many cases, it has only served to fester the wound. So, what is the answer? Randall Robinson opens his book with a very compelling scene. They say  that a picture is worth a thousand words. If this is so, then what he sees when he stands with a group of tourists in front of the U.S. History  Fresco in Washington DC says it all. This large monument to history, which was funded by taxpayers dollars, portrays no people of color in it. There are a few Indians,  but they are depicted as fighting with one another. There are subtle reminders throughout the various artifacts which depict the black man as downtrodden, poor, and ignorant. Even the figure  of Martin Luther King which he observes has his head lowered. Righteous indignation notwithstanding, Robinson begins to unfold an argument which is difficult to refute. First he speaks to 

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