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In five pages the rhetoric featured in Kafka's short story is examined from a materialist Marxist perspective. There are no other sources listed.
Pages: 5
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In five pages this paper considers the protagonist's dilemma and whether or not he will hand his soul over to Gretchen, Mephistopheles, or God. There is no bibliography included.
In three pages Haffner's 2002 text is reviewed in a consideration of Hitler's power rise with a synopsis, primary themes, and writer's recommendations for the book also included. There are no other sources listed.
Pages: 3
This paper discusses Marlowe's play, Doctor Faustus. The writer discusses specific issues regarding the consequences of absolute power and our society. There are four sources listed in the bibliography of this three page paper.
These German authors are considered in five pages in a comparative analysis of The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass and Deutschland, A Winter's Tale by Heinrich Heine, that was written more than a century earlier. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this short story is analyzed in terms of title, plot, theme, and mood with emphasis upon the protagonist. There are no other sources listed.
In seven pages this paper presents a character analysis of Nora Helmer as featured in Henrik Ibsen's social drama A Doll's House. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 7
In four pages this paper presents a character analysis of the protagonist in this work by Thomas Mann. There are no other sources cited.
Pages: 4
The writer discusses Bertolt Brecht's play The Threepenny Opera and explains its significance to twentieth century theater. The writer also discusses theatrical concepts such as modernism, epic theater and the anti-hero. The paper is five pages long and there are seven sources listed in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses who was responsible for writing Bertolt Brecht's plays. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
The spiritual development Siddhartha undergoes in its various stages are discussed in this paper consisting of five pages. There are no other sources cited in the bibliography.
In five pages the philosophical and autobiographical aspects of this text are analyzed in five pages. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
This paper analyzes the persona of the character Gabriele in Mann's novella, Tristan. This five page paper has one source listed in the bibliography.
In five pages this essay provides a character analysis of Gregor as featured in Kafka's short story. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this report examines the pain and the joy of the human consciousness as expressed in the Underground Man of Dostoevsky and Siddhartha of Hesse. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses minor characters the manager of the office, 3 boarders, and the charwoman in this analysis of Franz Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis.' Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
This five page paper presents the character K as an alter ego of the author Franz Kafka. Six sources are listed.
In six pages this research paper examines von Kleist in a consideration of hist time's cultural background and then concentrates on Michael Kohlhass in a summary and analysis of this text. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 6
In five pages this paper analyzes such literary elements as plot, characters, story, and tone among other concepts and provides a concise and complete explanation of them. One source is cited in the bibliography.
This paper analyzes the character Emma Bovary ans speculates as to whether or not she would face the same problems in modern day America. This four page paper has one source listed in the bibliography.
In six pages dramas by Wenders and Brecht are compared with this 1924 story by Franz Kafka in a consideration of meaning and symbolism. There are no other sources listed.
In nine pages this paper considers Gregor Samsa's alienation in a thematic analysis of The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 9
This children's adventure is the focus of a book review consisting of five pages. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper examines the frightening changes the protagonist undergoes in this story by Franz Kafka.
In eight pages this novel's various aspects are analyzed and include such topics as German history reflection, analysis of character, and historical perspectives. One source is cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 8
In eight pages this research paper presents a brief biography of author Franz Kafka but the primary focus is his surrealistic style of writing as evidenced in 'The Metamorphosis.' Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this paper discusses the style and themes of Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In five pages the character of Robert Faehmel as he is presented in the novel by Heinrich Boll is analyzed. There is 1 source listed in the bibliography.
The structure and style of Rainer Maria Rilke's only novel The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge are analyzed in five pages. There are no other sources listed.
In five pages this fairytale is examined from an anthropological and sociological perspective that considers cultural elements as they relate to the tale such as pagan aspects and the Grimm brothers' mindset relevant to the 19th century. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
Choices as they are represented in these works are discussed and compared in five pages. There are no other sources listed.
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