This paper examines the society of Thomas More and the impact of his Utopia on it in seven pages. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
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a culture that seems perfect. It supposedly meets everyones needs and possesses everything positive and nothing negative. One individual who pursued a so called perfect existence was Thomas More. His
work, titled "Utopia," is one that presents us with a perfect example of what utopias are all about, for better and for worse. In the following paper we examine More
and his Utopia. The paper also discusses the Age of Reason. Thomas More Thomas More was born to somewhat humble surroundings in the year 1478. "Even at a
very early age, More gave clear evidence of his uncommon gifts. Because of this, a family friend successfully persuaded his father to allow him to attend Oxford University" (Anonymous Thomas
More more). He became so immersed in his studies, enjoying them to such an extent that his father became worried. "Two years into the program, he decided that his son
should learn something useful. Under what seems to have been considerable coercion, Thomas returned to London to study law at New Inn" (Anonymous Thomas More more). While still continuing
his individual studies he "excelled at his legal studies at the New Inn. Once finished, he read through the law again at Lincolns Inn for two more years, after which
he was chosen as reader at Furnivalls Inn and reappointed for three successive years - a considerable honor for such a young man" (Anonymous Thomas More more). When he was
26 "he was elected to Parliament" and when he was 27 "he married Jane Colt and fathered four children in the next five years. Jane died when More was 33,
leaving him with four young children during the height of his career as a lawyer" (Anonymous Thomas More more). He remarried within one month in order to support his children.