• Research Paper on:
    Taiwan and the Campaign for the Rights of Women

    Number of Pages: 5


    Summary of the research paper:

    This paper examines the patriarchy of Taiwan in an overview of the campaign efforts for women's rights in five pages. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: LM1_TLCRtWmn.rtf

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    for survival (Laughton, 1995, p. 17). This began to change, however, when men became associated with the male figure of God, at which point ideals began to shift toward  the notion of male superiority. Once the ideal fully developed, the belief of male superiority gained significant strength -- forever to be supported by evolving social and religious doctrines.  For Taiwanese women, the areas of education, literature and religion have long histories of restraint through design of typical womans role; the effects of the designs have been so  well entrenched that they have automatically applied to other areas of public life. The overt implications of fear and control represent the role Taiwanese women have historically been forced  to play within society. It can readily be argued that while many women have struggled to attain their own self-worth, up until recently they have typically been identified as  being akin to material possessions, equated with things that are to be used, like land and other tangible entities. While it is clear that women have intrinsic value of  their own, this aspect of the female gender was not readily acknowledged within the stifling boundaries of a patriarchal society until the recent movement toward womens rights.  One of the most important changes with regard to the changing role of women in Taiwan is that of marital rights. Prior to the 1996  revisions of Taiwans Civil Code, a womans ability to sustain rights within the marriage, as well as obtain property and parenting rights after divorce, did not reflect the an equal  balance between man and woman. Under old law, for example, the husband was entitled to any and all property that existed prior to marriage, as well as that which 

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