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In three pages Miami Beach's Police Department is subjected to a SWOT analysis. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 3
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In ten pages this 2002 article by Jerry H. Ratcliffe on criminal mapping is considered in a critical overview of the research presented and its conclusions. One source is cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In a paper consisting of five pages the advantages of the NYPD implementing a program of cultural diversity in improving public relations and policing of the community are discussed with references made to actual situations. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 5
A 9 page research paper that offers an examination of this topic and a design for a proposed research study, which is designed in response to a mayor's request to determine if a Neighborhood Watch program instituted in a small suburb of a large metropolitan area has had an effect on the volume of complaints ...
Pages: 9
This research paper consists of a literature review that discusses the topic of how strict state gun control laws affect related gun violence levels. Fifteen pages in length. ten sources are cited.
Pages: 15
In twelve pages this study proposal surveys recruitment and retention of NYPD officers. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 12
Research proposal seeks to determine whether criminal or noncriminal calls are more dangerous for police officers in relation to on-the-job hazards. Six sources are cited in this six-page paper.
Pages: 6
The writer presents a proposal for research with the aim of identifying improvement to knowledge management which will aid police services. The paper is a proposal for research to identify the ways in which information is gathered and used by law enforcement bodies and assess the potential for improvements in knowledge management. Fifteen sources are ...
Pages: 8
In a paper of nine pages, the writer looks at law enforcement policy proposals. The value of higher education to law enforcement agencies is explored in this context. Paper uses three sources.
In eight pages this tutorial presents an empirical research proposal regarding corruption in law enforcement and the influence of public opinion and inter-organizational attitudes. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper proposes to target growing drug crime in a Northeastern city through a cooperative effort between police and the community in crime prevention. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
In three pages this paper presents a three point argument in support of gun control as a way of society taking control over crime. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this student posed hypothetical scenario examines the implementation of Hawaii's 'three strikes' law as it impacts crime and punishment. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In thirty nine pages this paper examines nontraditional higher education students in a research study proposal on the issues associated with police officers as students with methodology and a current literature review included. Sixty sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 39
A 3 page research paper that discusses organized crime and draws upon the example set by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to discuss the methodology that is used to control organized crime. Bibliography lists 1 source.
In ten pages this paper presents this hypothetical study in terms of hypothesis overview, purpose statement, literature review, and statistical analysis methodology. Twenty sources are cited in the bibliography.
The United Kingdom's police force is examined in an historical and developmental oveview consisting of 10 pages with post 1950s' structure and operations the primary focus. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this text is considered in terms of the methodology and recommendations made in the authors' hypothesis with additional research suggestions also provided. There are 3 sources cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 7
In four pages this paper examines policing as it pertains to Canada in a discussion of police discretion, powers, legal and administrative guidelines. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 4
In twelve pages this paper discusses the diplomatic negotiations between Cold War adversaries President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev in terms of the role played by the Strategic Defense Initiative. Sixteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of seventeen pages the increased police powers as a result of PACE 1984 and the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 are considered as they relate to accountability particularly in the areas of evidence collection, detention, and arrest. There are thirty ...
Pages: 17
Brief discussion pertaining to volunteers, responsibilities, methodology, arrests and search/seizure as they relate to probation and parole officers. Two sources are cited in the bibliography of this five page paper.
This research paper offers the definition of police discretion and then discusses whether or not it is ethical and describes supervisory practices pertaining to it. Five pages in length, three sources are cited.
In nine pages this paper examines the laws of the state of New Jersey in a Barkin's Beef and Brew case study. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
The topic of this argumentative essay consisting of seven pages is computer hacking, which is presented as a serious crime that requires critical evaluation by members of society. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
This research report examines the concept of community policing. Then, it discusses the reasons for corruption despite attempts to change the model of policing. This five page paper has six sources listed in the bibliography.
This paper consists of six pages and questions whether professional security guards are needed and effectively provides answers to whether proprietal or contractual guards are necessarily and if these receive what can be considered professional training. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper examines fraud detection in a consideration of security personnel's role. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
In twelve pages this paper examines the alleged Boston Strangler Albert DeSalvo's tale that includes his victims, confession, his murder in prison and evidence that he may not have in fact been the strangler. There are 6 sources cited in the bibliography.
In five pages Maple's book is critically reviewed and lauded for its thorough research and is described as an essential read for those already employed in law enforcement or considering police work as a profession.
In a paper consisting of six pages the misuse of placards designed to assist a handicapped person's effort to park near a facility is discussed. There are five bibliographic sources cited.
In nine pages this paper discusses how child witnesses can be effectively and appropriately interrogated by law enforcement officers. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In sixteen pages this paper examines the U.S. recruitment of rookie police officers in a consideration of challenges associated with hiring candidates that are truly qualified. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography and there is also the inclusion of an outline.
Pages: 16
In six pages the Central Intelligence Agency's importance to national security is evaluated. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this paper discusses firearms' tracking and tracing by all levels of law enforcement in a consideration of resources and their availability. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses police brutality, the excessive use of force within the context of the law enforcement motto 'To protect and to serve.' Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses how police officers can handle situations in which suspects seem to have incredible strength and possible causes for this phenomenon. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages a consideration of community crime includes a discussion of the Uniform Crimie Report and involves determining the number of crimes that are actually reported to lawe enforcement authorities and after the establishment of statistical data a program to address crime issues can be developed. There is 1 source cited in the ...
In six pages this paper examines the tragic consequences of the bombing of Philadelphia's MOVE group enclave on May 13, 1985. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this paper contrasts and compares the law enforcement agencies in these Virginia cities in terms of rates of pay and officer compensation packages. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
How computer technology assists law enforcement is the focus of this paper which consists of five pages. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses how a woman met a violent death due to a glitch in bureaucratic effectiveness. One source is cited in the bibliography.
In fourteen pages this paper examines city police officer development, career planning, and studies pertaining to interrogation that is gender based. Fifteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 14
In twenty pages this paper considers Northern Ireland and its historical pattern of abusing human rights in a discussion of relevant points and types of offenses. Nine sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 20
In seven pages this report examines the FBI Special Agent Michael P. Malone's 1989 account of the murder of DEA underground agent Enrique Camarena. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper discusses such topics as suspect rights and Miranda uses in a consideration of the distinctions between interrogations and interviews. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper assesses the practices pros and cons with regards to the the racial profiling of Arab Americans post 911. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
The necessity for obtaining an arrest warrant is outlined in the U.S. Constitution, Fourth Amendment. This paper details what must be produced to obtain an arrest warrant and how a judge balances public protection with the rights of an individual. Includes probable cause and affidavits. This paper has seven pages and five sources are listed ...
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