• Research Paper on:
    UK Tourism and Travel

    Number of Pages: 11


    Summary of the research paper:

    An assessment of the United Kingdom's tourism and travel industry is presented in a paper consisting of eleven pages. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography.

    Name of Research Paper File: D0_JGAtrtsm.rtf

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    the travel industry is doing to compete for tourists and how they might better serve the industry. TRAVEL INDUSTRY IN THE U.K. The positive impact of tourism, no matter  how measured, shows that tourism does strengthen the economy of many areas regardless of whether that economic support is derived from single or mass travelers. For many years, the  positive impacts of tourism - incomes, jobs, and taxes - have been well promoted. Worldwide, tourism is looked upon as a smokeless industry with strong and stable economic impacts  on the host areas. Tourism continues to be cited as a major item of work trade and of considerable economic importance to the United Kingdom. As the saying goes:  If you build it, they will come. The same is true for recreation and tourism programs. Where once there was nothing to attract a passing visitor or a  destination seeker, there have been myriad resorts, specialty locations and transformed vacation spots all within the U.K. that have netted their respective communities grand economic profits. It all starts  with an idea that blossoms into action with the assistance of a solid tourism plan. AVIATION One of the integral components in the relatively recent surge of solo travelers  is that of a significant improvement in commercial aviation. The advancement of tourism from the vast increase of commercial aviation in the twentieth century has taken the industry by  storm. Indeed, the fact that people are more readily able to travel into otherwise limited or inaccessible places has re-established tourism as a strong and steady market, as well  as availing previously unattainable adventures to the single-minded traveler. The terrorist attacks notwithstanding, with the advent of commercial aviation, the aspect of travel was immediately expanded like no 

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