This 5 page paper is the outline for a research proposal to examine why ticket sales at a football club are falling despite good sporting results. The aim of the project is to identify the causes of the falling sales so that a strategy to increase sales can be developed. The paper includes an introduction and some mock results. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Name of Research Paper File: TS14_TEfootatt.rtf
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the higher league clubs and develop the talent needed. In addition to this there is also a demand for the sport locally, this is seen with the number of Sunday
football leagues, five a side tams and the number of non league teams in evidence. The difficulty is that this s not a sport that generates a larger level of
income, but there are still overheads to be paid. Smaller clubs such as Cheshire City1 are typical of this problem; they face decreasing income that may result in financial difficulties.
In the past it has been assumed that when a team is performing well there will be higher attendance, but when the team is performing poorly then attendance will
be down. However, this is not sticky true, for many fans the support is not dependant on the performance of the club. Overall, even for clubs where there are good
results, there are declining financial results, mostly as a result in falling ticket sales. The smaller clubs, unlike larger clubs have a lower level of season ticket holders, so their
revenue depends on the week to week gate sales. If the results and sales are not directly dependant on the performance of the club the management need to identify
the variables that will help to support and increase ticket sales. The main purpose of this report is to look at the way ticket sales are occurring, identify why there
has been a decline in ticket sales at Cheshire City and as a result identify the strategies management can adopt in order to increase attendance once more. The work
will be considered with the use of a sample of current and past ticket purchasers from the Cheshire City fan base, however, it need to be recognised that the reasons