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A 5 page research paper on legislation involving euthanasia. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Pages: 5
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This paper describes and discusses the maxillary third molar (wisdom teeth). Three pages in length, it lists four sources.
Pages: 3
This research paper, first of all, presents a ten-item annotated bibliography that pertain to the legalization and use of medical marijuana. This is follows by a paper that draws on this body of research to describe the issue and draw conclusions. In total the paper is eight pages in length (three for the annotated bibliography ...
Pages: 8
In a paper consisting of eight pages this important issue of whether or not APOE can be considered a predictor of developing late onset Alzheimer's disease is examined in terms of current literature and a general information overview. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
A 9 page paper that is written as a proposal. The paper discusses the issue of continuing health care insurance after losing one's job. Statistical data are included regarding the unemployed and the uninsured. The writer points out the greater difficulties single individual unemployed persons have obtaining health care coverage. Annotated bibliography included in the ...
Pages: 9
This paper outlines a proposed interventional program to be implemented in George Washington High School in Philadelphia.
Pages: 4
A proposal for dealing with obesity in the United States. There are 5 sources listed in the bibliography of this 5-page paper.
In five pages this proposal supports the need for CPR training programs in the workplace. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In nine pages domestic violence is examined in an overview of its relevant issues with statistical data provided and then a community needs assessment research proposal to greater address this problem in terms of targeting certain areas, greater education, and community input with qualitative and quantitative approaches considered along with U.S. Census Bureau retrieval information ...
This essay/research paper pertains to the study conducted by Pamela Kulbok and her colleagues (2012), which focuses on the roles played by public health nurses (PHNs) within the overall framework of participatory action research. Community-based participatory research is defined and the writer summaries the framework, benefits and challenges identified by Kulbok and colleagues. Four ...
This research paper investigates the literature that pertains to the quality of food being served in US schools and relates this to data on childhood obesity, which the writer argues necessitates the improving the quality of the food selections. Ten pages in length, ten sources are cited.
Pages: 10
This research paper relates the findings of empirical literature in order to support the argument that smoking should be banned in all public areas and work places in order to provide non-smokers protection from secondhand smoke. Five pages in length, four sources are cited.
A fictional urban community of Summitville, MA is featured in this paper consisting of eight pages that illustrates how a budget can be proposed and justified. There are no sources listed.
In five pages this paper discusses a proposal to provide dental services for individuals with HIV or AIDS in terms of health care personnel training regarding lesion recognition and other types of safety screenings. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In this paper consisting of eighteen pages a research proposal that investigates activity whether it be physical or social as it relates to the elderly, and includes a literature review, discussion of methodology and also describes the need for additional research in this area. There are seventeen bibliographic sources cited.
Pages: 18
In twelve pages a proposed study concentrating on programs for disease management is presented along with National Health System strategy included. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 12
In eighteen pages this paper provides various analyses of the Hammersmith and Fulham PCT in terms of SWOT and PESTLE analyses with recommendations also included. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.
An 8 page paper that begins with an Outline. The essay provides an overview of this private hospital in Sarasota, Florida, including population served, types of services, mission, vision, values and principles of operation. The writer incorporates the type of environment in which the hospital operates, operational approaches and political efforts. A SWOT is included, ...
This 3 page paper evaluates the industry and the firm and makes recommendations. A SWOT analysis is included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 7 page paper that responds to diverse questions: difference between patient expectations and hopes; effect of physician's personal and professional values; outcomes of total knee replacement with comments about illness versus diseases; alternatives, like herbs, supplements and practitioners making doctor and hospital a last resort; using SWOT, an adaptive strategy for each; and should ...
Pages: 7
In eight pages this research proposal considers relieving pain through acupuncture with the emphasis being on lower back pain treatment with methodology and literature review included. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
The paper presents an outline plan for implementing a service line approach in a hospital department. Following introduction the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are assessed, and evaluation plan is presented along with both initial and operating budgets as well as measures that may be utilized to examine the project following implementation. Six sources are ...
In seven pages this paper examines the role of public health nursing regarding increased public awareness of issues related to obesity in children. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper considers health care's present status with an approach option proposed. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper presents a proposal regarding the city of Los Angeles and the control of Hepatitis C with a needle exchange program and education the primary focuses. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper considers a Ph.D. dissertation outline proposal with a secondary proposal included on UK hospital implementation of EHR and EPR systems. Ten sources are listed in the bibliography.
In twenty six pages this paper explores a health program that will focus on residents of Erie County, Pennsylvania over age 65 who suffer from cardiac disease and includes an assessment survey that discusses funding, diagnoses, and employs theoretical reasoning along with an activities' timeline and other issues necessary for program implementation and evaluation through ...
Pages: 26
In five pages this proposed research study on nursing homes and the issue of elderly incontinence, treatment, and intervention alternatives features an introduction, statement of the problem and reasoning, methodology, and a review of current research literature. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In this paper containing twenty pages a literature review and disease prevention benefits of a vegetarian diet are considered in this proposal with an emphasis on decreased risks of obesity, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems along with other disorders. Methodology suggestions including measuring the body mass index comparing cholesterol levels and blood sugars among nonvegetarians ...
Pages: 20
In sixteen pages this research study proposal analyzes various treatment options for peripheral arterial disease or PAD.
Pages: 16
A research paper that offers data on how women are educated in the sub-Sahara. The writer addresses nutritional needs, health issues, condom utilization and other general health concerns. The goal of this proposal is to design a program that speicifically addresses the needs of these women. This six page paper has eight sources in the ...
Pages: 6
In eight pages this research proposal presents the first chapter on the impact of HIV and AIDS on this region's orphan population in a detailed review of current literature. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.
In six pages an educational program is proposed and described that will enable nurses to practically apply research so that the quality of life for their diabetes patients will be significantly improved. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In three pages this research proposal includes obesity, depression, and overweight definitions, population sample description, collection of data, and the research design is briefly described. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this program proposal focuses upon the prevention of Type II diabetes in Polk County, FL in a consideration of the population and how such a plan can be implemented within the context of the federal Healthy People 2010 Objective. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this grant proposal for a study that will assess the Sussex healthcare needs of Sudanese migrants includes its study goals, a hypothesis, review of current literature, budget sketch, and methodology. Ten sources are listed in the bibliography.
This 10 page paper is a research proposal to investigate the level of knowledge of travellers to developing countries concerning diseases that can be prevented with immunisations. The paper gives an introduction including a justification for the study along with aims and goals, undertakes a literature review and then presents a suitable methodology interviewing travellers ...
4 pages in length. The following proposal speaks to the existing health care operation whereby the modification of two specific aspects will serve to address the insufficiencies inherent to the current program: A) modify the overall service delivery approach and B) enrich the fundamental quality of care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 5 page paper is a research proposal to assess the provision of public health policies for woken and children in Haiti. The paper proposes a link between a decline in the economy and a decline in public health issues for those without a political voice. This proposal includes a brief literature review and ...
A 5 page discussion of the problems currently facing our health care system. This paper outlines presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s proposal for addressing those problems. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 7 page paper providing a proposal for a medical intervention center located in a hospital in Iowa. The center will be staffed with a nurse practitioner and so will not need direct physician involvement. The paper provides objectives, a budget and one-year evaluation points. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 10 page discussion of the genetic and environmental correlations of asthma. This paper presents a study designed to educate genetically at-risk families in Harlem NY and to track those families over time to assess program benefits. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
This 4-page paper provides an overview of the McCain-Palin health care reform program and potential economic implications. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A model research proposal for measuring patient satisfaction in physician performance. There are 5 sources listed in the bibliography of this 9-page paper.
In a paper consisting of eighteen pages a review of current English literature and study proposal regarding the health effects of alcohol are presented. There are twenty sources listed in the bibliography.
The writer presents a report supporting a proposal for a hospital to adopt the use of electronic health records, also known as electronic patient records. The report outlines the ways in which the proposal should be acceptable to different stakeholder groups, looks at the potential risks and how they may be mitigated or reduced, and ...
Pages: 17
A Research Proposal to Assess the Link Between A 7 page proposal for a study designed to test the link between suicidality and child abuse among six to eleven year old children. This paper uses a forum approach to explore this issue and to design effective intervention tactics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
What can be done about increased tobacco use? The idea is explored in the context of countries such as the US, the UK and Canada to come up with appropriate policy. This five page paper makes use of three references.
In a six page expansion of a student supplied proposal the creation of a national HMO is presented as a resolution to the crisis within the healthcare system along with suggested regulations and policy changes. There are five bibliographic resources cited.
In nine pages this paper discusses the 'Choosing Health' document the UK Labour government published in 2004 in terms of its contents, strategy, and possible outcomes for the future. Twelve sources are listed in the bibliography.
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