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In three pages Miami Beach's Police Department is subjected to a SWOT analysis. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 3
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In five pages this paper discusses the topic of homosexuality in adolescents. There are four bibliographic sources cited.
Pages: 5
In five pages qualitative research is designed and then is applied to studying the social sciences. Seventeen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 15
A 3 page research paper that discusses the ongoing debate between researches as to which research methodology is more reliable. With a particular focus on sociological research, the writer defines the differences between the two methods and then discusses the debate, especially with regard to the validity of qualitative measures. The writer argues that both ...
In this eight page paper the author reviews two articles in tourism and leisure research. Strengths and weaknesses are detailed as is the research methodology. Four sources.
Pages: 8
A research paper that encompasses a variety of issues related to social work. The paper addresses competencies within a Master's Degree program; participatory action research; qualitative and quantitative research, as well as other issues. Six pages in length, eight sources are cited.
Pages: 6
In eight pages this research paper examines stress in a consideration of various strategies of adjustment and coping. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
This research paper consists of an eight page examination of adult children who either move in with their parents or leave home at a late age. The writer included a hypothetical case study that can provide a helpful guideline in the creation of individual original research studies. There are four bibliographic sources cited.
In six pages this paper examines quantitative and qualitative scientific research methods in terms of definition, pros and cons of each regarding how each can be applied an an analysis of leisure. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this research paper examined a hypothetical case study involving a seventy year old woman's lifetime of leisure experience and includes a literature review that highlights Mannell and Kleiber's 1997 research with methodology, results, and conclusions also provided. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In twenty five pages this research paper attempts to answer the question 'Does mass media affect the image of Christmas?' An exhaustive bibliography is also provided.
Pages: 25
An 18 page paper. Lutheran Refugee Service is part of the Lutheran Family Service organization. This essay provides a brief historical overview, mission, vision and value statements, comments about human resource management, and a SWOT analysis of Lutheran Refugee Service with an emphasis on services in Nebraska. The paper also comments on leadership, fiscal management ...
Pages: 18
This research paper explored organizational websites of intuitions that focus on global issues, such as environmental issues, poverty, food supply and women's rights. The writer investigated six issues and provides brief summations about organizational missions, questions raised, the impact of the issue on language learning, and the writer's personal view on the issue. The paper ...
In twelve pages this questionnaire research proposal on this topic includes a literature review and a survey consisting of thirteen questions. Thirteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 12
In sixty three pages a research proposal project on the Head Start program includes three chapters of background, literature review, and metodology along with a study and its results. Twenty nine sources are cited in the bibliography with an abstract also included.
Pages: 63
In eleven pages this proposal considers a scenario in which middle school student parents maintain promiscuity is encouraged by sex education and then examines a possible study measuring the program's effectiveness with different measurement types and their validity analyzed. One source is cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 11
In five pages ethnic animosity is defined and then a case study proposal to consider college campuses and ethnic animosity as it relates to racism is presented. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In three pages this research proposal includes obesity, depression, and overweight definitions, population sample description, collection of data, and the research design is briefly described. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 4
The writer looks at the concept of homeownership discussing the influences that determine the probability of an individual purchasing a home, and preference to renting. The first section of the paper is a literature review examining these influences, the second section of the paper is a research proposal, including a research question, as well as ...
Pages: 14
This 6 page paper takes a look at current immigration policy. A new proposal is made. The proposal is controversial. Both sides of the issue are explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
In eight pages a research proposal studying the different perceptions of masculinity based upon ethnicity and race is outlined. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this research proposal considers the relationship between religion and suicide with methodology explanation and 10 question samples provided. Fourteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages the writer probes the impacts of substance abuse on the abuser and others through a research study that includes a hypothesis, variables' explanation, literature review, and methodology proposal. There are three bibliographic sources cited.
In five pages this paper presents a research proposal that studies how honest charitable contributions are in an evaluation of ethical responsibility that relies upon hidden camera methodology, prior research conclusions, and projected study outcomes. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In four pages juvenile delinquency is defined with arrest statistics presented before the focus shifts to activity proposals aimed and juvenile delinquency prevention. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this research proposal examines the impact of divorce on the family in an effort to answer the question 'What effect does divorces have on the children?' with statement of problem, review of literature, summary, and conclusion offered. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Burglaries are a problem; the writer looks at data supplied by the student and uses this as the basis for a research proposal to investigate causes of burglaries and potential mitigation strategies that may be utilized on a housing estate. This is followed by a section examining data that has been collected looking at influences ...
The writer puts forwards a generic design for primary research. The approach makes use of the grounded theory framework and would be suitable for research into social issues or ethnography. Five sources are cited in the bibliography of this eight page paper.
In seven pages this paper examines rational utilitarian and conflict sociological research theory methodologies.
Pages: 7
In six pages this paper discusses a reflective, semistructured interview in terms of pros and cons and the information that might be revealed through this approach.
A 5 page paper that reports and discusses an article: Adolescent Girls: The Role of Depression in the Development of Delinquency by Obeidallah and Earls. The essay reports some background regarding the research, methodology, sample size, and conclusions. The essay also comments on the research design itself. Bibliography lists 1 source.
In a paper consisting of eight pages the issue of ageism as it relates to employment is considered through a sociological study and review of contemporary literature methodology on the subject. There are six bibliographic sources cited.
In fifteen pages this paper examines qualitative and quantitative research testing approaches regarding alcoholics as a social group in a consideration of methodology for social research.
In an essay consisting of nine pages two tribal groups the Mau Mau of Kenya and Guarani of South America are compared with global society in order to emphasize how capitalism affects the world's peasant groups. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 9
This essay offers commentary on "Sweet, Sour and Resentful" by Firoozeh Dumas. The writer summarizes the essay's contents, and presents an argument that the main point of Dumas' essay is to demonstrate why customs are beneficial only if they bring happiness and joy to those who celebrate them. Three pages in length, there are no ...
The writer looks at the argument proposed by Gilligan, that shame is the dominant cause of violence in the US. The writer argues that the causes are far more complex, and shame is only one of many factors. One source is cited in the bibliography of this six page paper.
In a paper of eight pages, the writer looks at the media's response to bullying. The format of the paper is notes for an in-depth Power Point presentation. Paper uses fourteen sources.
In one page this paper briefly examines how America conceptualizes power. One source is cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 1
This 3-page paper discusses the five bases of power and how it works with leadership and dependency.
A 3 page exploration of the category of "working class". This paper points out that this category is deeply subdivided. The lower subdivision barely subsists while the upper leads a relatively comfortable life. Neither, however, has any real power. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
In five pages this paper interprets, analyzes, and compares these texts. There is no bibliography included.
The effectiveness of sound reasoning, observation and research are often overlooked. In this paper, six weeks' worth of household receipts are examined to find clues as to the family members' interaction, interests and activities, using deductive reasoning.This paper has five pages and xxxx sources are listed in the bibliography.
In six pages rural studies are considered in terms of academic theory development and application. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
This research paper covers a variety of topics that pertain to media in contemporary culture. Topics include social media, the Hollywood style of filmmaking, and whether video games promote violence. Nine pages in length, eighteen sources are cited.
In four pages this paper examines human trafficking in a focus upon the global sexual exploitation of women with Philippines and Ukraine case studies provided. Fifty sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 48
In four pages ICT is examined in an interpretation of a student supplied interview in which ICT serves as mediator and various theories including social relationships, power relationships, identity and consumption are applied. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
Iin twelve pages this paper discusses the cultural power of celebrities in this overview of their images and the heroism they represent. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography.
This is a case study which is evaluated to look at how family relationships produce stress and what can be done about it. Various issues are discussed in the context of this four page essay that utilizes four resources.
In three pages this student submitted case study involves the job dissatisfaction of a sixty year old man and includes Tiedeman and Super theories along with the Myers Brigg and Strong Interest Inventory. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
In three pages the ways in which a seventeen year old girl's confusion can be lifted regarding college and career choices are considered with the inclusion of family responsibilities she perceives to have with the career decision making theory of Mitchell and Krumboltz included in the discussion. One source is cited in the bibliography.
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