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This 1 page paper provides an overview of an abstract of a research paper on the mathematician Christian Goldbach and his prime conjecture.
Pages: 1
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In twenty pages and 4 parts this paper considers how figures and be used and misused in statistical analysis. Seven sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 20
In four pages Johannes Kepler's 16th century reform proposals, why he made them, and how they influenced astrology are discussed. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 4
In a paper consisting of seven pages the way quantitative data compares success rates of driving school testing centers and instructors is presented along with some qualitative data supplemental recommendations.
Pages: 7
In four pages this paper examines lesson plans in the development of a mathematics curriculum methodology for a student in 6th grade. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
The use of design methodologies are popular, the writer looks at what is meant by a systems design methodology, the elements that are present and the way that they may or may not be flexible. Two sources are cited in this three page paper.
Pages: 3
The paper is written in the style of a report, presenting the stages of a statistical analysis. The results look at the number of candies in a packet as well as the proportion of different colors. Two sources are cited in the bibliography of this seven page paper.
The writer explores the statement that Box-Jenkins forecasting is a simple statistical method not an explanatory one. The paper is four pages long and there are ten sources listed in the bibliography.
In twenty pages this paper examines if early mathematical concept comprehension is influenced by gender. There is a FREE annotated bibliography included with a standard bibliography of more than twenty sources also provided.
The writer uses a case study provided by the student to explain the way in which moving averages may be used to detect trends and aid with forecasting. There is a demonstration of both 3 and 5 point moving averages calculated. The results are used to create a graph. The paper needs with a ...
The writer examines the differences in both the population and in the economy of the North and South US by utilizing data from the census of 1860. The writer goes on to consider why slaves were use in agriculture in the sought and the division of power in the south based on the census results. ...
In five pages this model paper assists the student who is presenting a statistical report in terms of illustrating information summation, and ways in which decisions can be supported in terms of rejects. A cover letter is first presented, along with an executive summary with the report following thereafter. Three sources are cited ...
Pages: 5
In three pages this paper examines probability within the context of a student supplied case study regarding the crime conviction of a couple.
In a paper consisting of twelve pages baseball is the topic in a series of examples designed to illustrate how Excel can be used to answer student supplied questions and include ranges of player wages and exploration of standard deviation, probability, medians, mode and means. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 12
In fourteen pages this paper discusses the development of numbers systems in the civilizations of Europe, China, Mesopotamia, South America, Arabia, India, and elsewhere. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 14
Spearman's Coefficient of Rank Correlation is applied to a statistical question analysis with parametric and nonparametric tests examined in 4 pages. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages consumer time allocation is considered in an examination of leisure, nonmarket and market time. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In five pages the number e is examined in an exploration of its history, contemporary uses along with a discussion of compound interest also included. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper defines upper triangular matrices and linear transformation and includes sections on commutativity preservers, idempotent preservers, and inertia preservers. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 6
In six pages this paper examines how a Chi Squared hypothesis can be applied to a statistical analysis of 'Rubbergate,' or the House Banking Scandal. Two sources are listed in the bibliography.
In twelve pages the impact of such administrative issues as decision making, internal communication, employee motivation, conflict resolutions, and leadership styles on lower Manhattan's NYU Downtown hospital is discussed. There are fourteen bibliographic sources cited.
In eight pages this paper accompanies the KSmgmtDowTBL.rtf paper and expands upon the statement of the problem, hypotheses, sampling, and statistical approach as each pertains to Dow Chemical's commitment to social responsibility. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography and an appendix is also included.
Pages: 8
In five pages this paper disproves a sex survey's claim relying upon testing of its hypothesis, sampling, regression, and linear correlation statistical probabilities. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
In this paper an article that contains statistics is evaluated in order to consider statistics' validity and the ways in which erroneous interpretations can be easily achieved. There are no other sources listed in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper examines how tire quality can be statistically evaluated by the Winston Tire Company. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this study design considers statistical assessment techniques such as Chi Square and ANOVA testing applied to an evaluation of gas additive effectiveness. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages questions pertaining to business statistics are answered and include such topics as differences between central tendency averages, a population parameter, and sample statistic, and sampling types. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of twelve pages statistic questions are answered involving such topics as arrays, raw data, leaf and stem displays versus histograms, frequency distribution and central tendency measures. Thirteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
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