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A 4 page research paper on Anita Shreve’s The Pilot’s Wife. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Pages: 4
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This research paper/essay offers brief biographies of both writers, focusing on their writing styles and then contrasts and compares ("Nathaniel Hawthorne"). Four pages in length, four sources are cited.
The medic was often the only thing standing between a wounded soldier and death. This research paper, an interview with a veteran of the second World War, details the story of the medic. Also included are stories gained from research. This paper has eight pages and three sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 8
This 3 page essay proposes that the book by Dan Brown would make a powerful as well as an entertaining film. Suggestions as to how to proceed are included. 1 source.
Pages: 3
This 3 page paper is a proposal to analyze the character of Nick in "The Great Gatsby," explaining why this character was chosen. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This research proposal begins with a three page proposal for a project that will consider the influence and impact of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, in regards to both the film and the book. The rest of the paper presents an annotated bibliography for the project. Seven pages in length, twelve sources are cited.
Pages: 7
An 11 page research paper/essay on Stephen Crane’s late nineteenth century novel Maggie: A Girl of the Streets. This paper consists of an 8 page essay, plus a 3 page annotated bibliography and 1 page proposal on the topic that the essay addresses. The writer argues that Crane is a naturalist writer and that Maggie ...
Pages: 11
An 8 page research paper/essay that contrasts and compares 2 works by Thoreau and Swift. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) and Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) are separated by time, space, culture and nationality yet these two essayists share the common feature that each one authored works that are insightful and astutely critical evaluations of certain political issues ...
In five pages historical methodology and how it developed and evolved during this time period are examined with the shift from oral history to statistical and quantitative research analysis noted. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 5
In five pages this text is analyzed from the perspectives of purpose, content, methodology, and then offers an evaluation. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages Said's text is analyzed in terms of its content and methodology and also discusses the attitude of the author regarding his subject matter. There are no other sources listed.
In seven pages this historical text is critically analyzed through the use of such evaluation criteria as organization, plot, methodology, contemporary significance, themes, and structure.
A 14 page paper. The first section is the Introduction of the topic which focuses on two specific plays: Shaw's Mrs. Warren's Profession and Brecht's The Good Woman of Setzuan. The methodology that would be used in such a study is discussed and the chapters in the paper identified. The major part of the paper ...
Pages: 14
This 3 page paper uses the omniscient point of view to examine Shirley Jackson’s classic short story, “The Lottery.” Bibliography lists 1 source.
In five pages power is examined within the context of Kidd's novel with corruption, exploitation, and abuses among the topics of consideration. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
Social implications suggested in each film is discussed in this 5 pages comparative analysis paper that ponders the bureaucratic hazards to individual control relevant to psychiatric patients. There are 3 bibliographic sources.
In five pages this paper discusses how human nature's dark side is portrayed by Nathaniel Hawthorne in his short story 'Young Goodman Brown.' Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages the power struggle between Stanley Kowalski and Blanche Du Bois for Stella is examined. Four sources are cited in the bibliography and a one page outline is also included.
In six pages Poe's short stories 'Hop Frog,' 'The Cask of Amontillado,' 'The Tell Tale Heart' and 'Metzengerstein' are examined in terms of their respective narratives and how they reveal how the abuse of power to achieve immoral objectives always ends in catastrophe. There are no other sources listed.
Pages: 6
In three pages this paper examines the struggle for power in this novella by Kate Chopin in terms of how it affects protagonist Edna Pontellier. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
A 3 page paper that discusses this short story in relation to Genesis 2:19-20. The writer focuses on power, naming and gender and the power of language. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
In five pages the three power wielding groups of the desire for emancipation for women, the false witchcraft accusations by girls, and the government are examined in terms of accusations and allegations that were unfounded but nonetheless damaging. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this essay discusses how political power corrupted the once idealistic Willie Stark in Robert Penn Warren's All the King's Men. There are no other sources listed.
In six pages this paper compares the political power described in Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince with power in All the King's Men. There are no other sources listed.
In seven pages this paper disccusses that despite the rather dated textual content since its initial 1976 publication it is still an intelligent observation of how power is misused under the guise of covert operations. There are no other sources cited.
The rain and water imagery featured in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald are analyzed in four pages. There are no other sources listed.
In five pages this paper explores how manipulating point of view enables the author to communicate certain ideas throughout the story. There is one source cited in the bibliography.
In four pages the literary use of the first person is explored in a discussion of first person usage in Herman Melville's 'Bartleby the Scrivener' and Isaac Babel's 'My First Goose.' Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this paper discusses why the author elected to tell her tale from Scout's narrative perspective. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages Mark Twain's use of regional dialects in his classic 1884 American novel is examined with its intentions often being misinterpreted by contemporary readers. There are no other sources listed.
In six pages this paper examines realiites of Pilate, Hagar, and Milkman in a consideration of the point of view featured in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon. There are no other sources listed.
In five pages a summary of this text's major points is presented along with a consideration of how influencing others can be achieved through a modification of our own behavior. One source is listed in the bibliography.
In eight pages major character relationships are analyzed with references made to the crew's organizational structure and Captain Vere's authority and power. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper considers how many of Hemingway's works are rooted in his own wartime experiences and observations as a correspondent which provide an intimate glimpse into war's impact upon the human psyche. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this paper discusses how Romanticism is evident in this early American novel with an examination of theme, characterization, and setting point of view. There are 6 sources cited in the bibliography.
In four pages this essay compares and contrasts these stories in terms of the author's uses of point of view in their various similarities and differences. There are no other sources listed.
This essay is on Kate Chopin's short story "Desiree's Baby." The writer discusses the plot charter, metaphor and symbolism used by Chopin in providing this insight into the cultural ethos of the antebellum South. Six pages in length, three sources are cited.
Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn is a literary classic. This paper offers a critical analysis of the novel, including characters, events and climax. This paper has five pages and nine sources are listed in the bibliography.
In five pages this text is examined in an overview with commentary and psychological perspectives offered.
In five pages this paper considers the concepts of courage and power as portrayed in Orwell's futuristic novel. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses the power of Fleur in Louise Erdrich's Tracks and Ultima in Rudolf Anaya's Bless Me Ultima in terms of the cultural impact upon their power and influence. There are no other sources listed.
In three pages the power and impact of epiphanies in literature are revealed in an eamination of Flannery O'Connor's 'Good Country People' and Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour.' There are no other sources listed.
In five pages this research paper discusses the leadership theme and the various styles that are represented in this novel by Ken Kesey. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Hemingway's literary power and definitive writing style are examined as both are represented in this novel in a paper consisting of four pages. There are no other sources listed.
In five pages this report considers the parallels between these two Irving short stories in an analysis of passages from each. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper contrasts and compares how power is thematically developed in these two works. Five other sources are cited in the bibliography.
In four pages this essay considers the stylistic and thematic similarities of these short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. There are no other sources listed.
In four pages this paper examines Beloved by Toni Morrison and Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger with an application of Alice Walker's observation regarding an artist's power. There are no other sources listed.
In three pages this paper considers the destructive aspects of revenge as portrayed in the Gothic novel by Mary Shelley. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
A 3 page paper which examines the theme of corruption of power in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter and Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. No additional sources cited.
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