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In five pages this paper defines the Stroop Effect and demonstrates how it is used for research purposes with the cognitive functioning of bilingual speakers the primary focus. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 5
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In fifteen pages this research paper examines human language development in a discussion of visual audition, auditory speech integration and related considerations. There are more than twelve sources in the bibliography.
Pages: 15
In nineteen pages language learning processes during childhood are the focus of this study that includes research, analysis, and a review of relevant literature. Nineteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 19
In five pages this research paper focuses upon African American children's language within the context of the book He Said, She Said Talk as Social Organization Among Black Children. by anthropologist Marjorie H. Goodwin. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper reveals the author's detailed linguistic study of New York Spanish Harlem's Puerto Rican children. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 6
This 4 page paper provides an overview of a research proposal regarding the use of compliment responses by ELT students. This paper also incorporates a view of pragmatic transfer. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Pages: 4
The writer provides a general overview of bilingual education in the U.S. by tracing its development, current status and projected future developments. The paper is three pages long and there are seven sources listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 3
In five pages this paper examines the lecture educational instruction method in terms of student learning improvement and the importance of linguistics. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
This paper provides notes and charts, as well as text, relating to the Natural Approach to teaching English as a Second Language (ESL). This page paper has no bibliography.
In seventeen pages this paper applies the system of systems methodology approach to the problems associated with the Libra project in hopes of achieving resolution. Fourteen sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 17
In four pages this paper discusses linguistic changes and how they impact sound in accordance with The Power of Babel A Natural History of Language by John H. McWhorter. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In four pages this paper considers questions regarding language change and the limited value represented by written evidence studying and the language family and ancestry concepts with The Power of Babel A Natural History of Language by McWhorter and Language Change : Progress or Decay? by Aitchison referenced. Three sources are cited in ...
In seven pages this paper discusses language in terms of its power and the collective as well as individual consequences it represents. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 7
The ways in which an argumentative article, Gregg Easterbrook's 'Why We Shouldn't Go to Mars' represents an effective argument are discussed in this paper consisting of five pages. There are no other sources listed in the bibliography.
An 8 page research paper that discusses Deborah Tannen, linguist and author, who presents a compelling view of the subject of argumentative discourse. Tannen argues that what we say and how we say it can be more instrumental in altering people's perceptions and persuading them to a specific point of view than what we ...
Pages: 8
In three pages 2 articles Robert B. Moore's Racism in the English Language featured in The Meaning of Difference and Dennis Baron's 'English in a Multicultural America' are examined in terms of their differences. There are 2 sources cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages ebonics is examined in terms of its inappropriateness and ineffectiveness as a form of multicultural communication. Twenty sources are cited in the bibliography and a Roman Numeral outline of 1 page is also included.
In five pages this paper discusses indirect messages in terms of types, uses, and alternatives to them. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
A book report of Baron's text is presented in eight pages. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this paper analyzes the rousing speech delivered by Gen. Colin Powell during the Republican National Convention of 2000 that targeted education in America. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In five pages this paper discusses the local culture that is reflected in the pidgin dialect. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In three pages the differences between the articles Robert B. Moore's 'Racism in the English Language' and Dennis Baron's 'English in a Multicultural America' are discussed. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper examines nonverbal communication in a consideration of cultural impact and 9 forms such as silence, paralanguage, chronemics, personal space and proxemics, environment, artifacts, appearance, haptics, and kinesics. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper considers the relationship that exists between shame and respect social norms and language as represented in the articles 'Becoming Competent Speakers of Malagasy' by E.L. Keenen and Elinor Ochs and 'In Languages and Their Speakers' edited by Timothy Shopen. There are no other sources cited.
In seven pages this paper examines the inadequacies of the human language. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In three pages this paper examines the differences that exist between these two cultural viewpoints. Two sources are listed in the bibliography.
This paper addresses the history of the modern alphabet and discusses the importance of writing as an invention that helped mankind evolve and become civilized. This twelve page paper has ten sources listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 12
In nine pages discourse analysis in terms of speech act theory 'performative utterance' is examined with the major philosophies of Ludwig Wittgenstein, H.P. Grice, John Searle, and John L. Austin considered. Thirteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 9
In five pages this paper examines the concepts contained within the 'Expression and Communication' essay that is featured in E.H. Gombrich's Meditations on a Hobby Horse. There are no other sources listed.
In four pages this report considers how language might be defined and then determines that any definition would be too limited in scope and minimize its human significance. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
This paper examines the impact of the printed circuit board invention upon both contemporary society as well as the computer industry in 9 pages. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages the development of the English language is examined along with its linguistic contributors and form changes. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In this paper consisting of ten pages a cultural comparison between these nations is made and through a nonverbal communication analysis cultural differences are defined for greater insight into these nations. There are five bibliographic sources cited.
In five pages this paper discusses how verbal outcomes can be predicted regarding word choices between 'we' and 'good' in this analysis of verbal reinforcement. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages the various types of nonverbal communication are examined in this literature review. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eleven pages this paper discusses the components of delivering a good speech in a consideration of form or structure, content, and presentation with good speaker characteristics and troubleshooting also included. One source is cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 11
In six pages this paper presents an overview of various types of referents and issues associated with them. One source is cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses infants in terms of language therapy and speech in approaches that include utilization of pictures and cards. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this northeastern England dialect is examined in an overview of its origins, future, and examples are provided. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper examines John Locke's blank slate theory and compares it with Chomsky's theories in a consideration of awareness in infants. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses linguistic topics as they pertain to an article and webistes regarding lingua francas, pidgin, and creole dialects. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages the importance of a better speech to noise acoustic signal ratio is described and its significance to the educational sphere is emphasized so that the hearing impaired student can receive improved academic benefits. There are five sources cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this report considers cochlear implants in children and the associated factors and learning processes. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this report discusses how such Italian words as inferno, umbrella, terracotta, stucco, basilica, violin, grotto, opera, piano, motto, broccoli, vendetta, fresco, regatta, arsenal, cameo, and gondola have found their way into the English language. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
The significance of communication and how it can effectively resolve conflicts between parents and their teens are discussed in this five page paper with the argument presented that expressing and absorbing information exchanges are equally important as are gaining teen confidence and empathy. There are four bibliographic sources cited.
In twelve pages this research paper examines the linguistic theory known as OT in a consideration of the problems and controversy surrounding it. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In twenty five pages this paper discusses the growth of an international media in terms of cultural unification and the forging of a universally understood language. Twenty sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 25
In five pages this paper examines linguistics in terms of construal theory relationships, parsing, and right association. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In twenty pages this research paper focuses upon linguistic analysis in a consideration of 2 methods of analysis and how they complement each other. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 20
In six pages tis paper discusses global interactions and the international language impact of the international media. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
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