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In eleven pages this research paper considers this topic with an introduction, two article critique and additional research references that illustrate the process of topical research. Five sources are cited in an annotated bibliography.
Pages: 11
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A 13 page paper assessing the Veterans Administration's existing 5-year IT strategic plan for the purpose of suggesting alternative strategies and making recommendations. The paper uses the example of the VA health system as what can be accomplished, as that division has been transformed over 15 years' time from one of the worst health ...
Pages: 13
Gender tolerance sessions are recommended in the context of military training. Women in the military are discussed. Group dynamics and diversification are issues explored in this comprehensive and thoroughly researched paper. This nine page paper has twelve sources listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 9
In six pages this proposal paper considers the VA in terms of system overload and the lack of benefits veterans are receiving to which they are entitled that are resulting. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 6
In a paper of five pages, the writer looks at federal requests for proposals. A sample is generated based on arms manufacturing case studies. Paper uses zero sources.
Pages: 5
In eight pages this paper examines arguments both for and against military draft reinstatement and the war with Iraq with the Persian Gulf War included in the discussion. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 8
In nine pages a government contract proposal is analyzed by answering three cost questions with a DoD Weighted Guidelines' exercise provided. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
This paper discusses the large number of minorities currently serving in the US military. This fifteen page paper has ten sources listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 15
A 10 page research paper that examines The Patriot Act. On March 9, 2006, the Patriot Act was renewed after a year of proposals, counterproposals, two extensions and extensive negotiations (Pike 1). Despite numerous compromises and revisions that are intended to safeguard the civil liberties of American citizens, the Patriot Act and its implementation continue ...
Pages: 10
In eight pages this text overview includes the purpose, thesis, methodology, and primary points the authors make in an assessment of the book's value. There are no other sources listed.
In three pages this paper argues that the Iraq war is unjust with support for this position provided. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 3
In twenty pages disaster management and emergency response issues are discussed. There is a Power Point presentation of sixteen slides available and eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 20
In five pages this paper discusses political changes and how they can result in rebellion and revolution. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eleven pages organizational dynamics and change in the military along with gender discrimination are examined within the context of the film The General's Daughter. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages The Pursuit of Power by William H. McNeill is analyzed. One source is cited in the bibliography.
In this paper that consists of three pages three facets that comprise U.S. power are examined with the increasing importance of soft power in international relations recognized. There are four bibliographic sources cited.
In ten pages this paper discusses the roles of the U.S. President or Commander in Chief in a comparative analysis of Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this paper disccusses that despite the rather dated textual content since its initial 1976 publication it is still an intelligent observation of how power is misused under the guise of covert operations. There are no other sources cited.
Pages: 7
In eight pages this paper contrasts and compares the role the military plays in twenty first century crisis management with the Cold War and the 1990s with the Strategic Defense Initiative among the concepts discussed. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography.
This paper examines the decision making power to go to war between America's legislative and executive government branches in four pages. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 4
In a review consisting of seven pages the development of the American submarine is traced from the Civil War until its use by world powers in the Second World War with the Germans in particular heavily relying on this tool during the war. There are seven bibliographic sources cited.
In five pages this paper discusses U.S. presidency in a background and analysis of the various types of available power with examples provided. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
This 10 page paper discusses the relationship between autocratic regimes and their military forces, and how the military can keep these governments in power. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
The unpreparedness of the U.S. military and the deceptions employed to cover it up are discussed in this paper on the Tet Offensive consisting of 10 pages.
In ten pages chaos theory is one of the theories examined within the context of the U.S. military's leadership and management styles and changes that have impacted organizational strategies. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
5 pages and 1 source used. This paper provides an overview of the attempt by one company, the Cajun Company, to justify their call for an exemption from the government cost disclosure requirements relative to government contracting. This paper considers the claims by Cajun that they were acquired in a hostile takeover by ...
In five page this paper examines the rate of US Marine Corps' reenlistment among first term enlistees. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography with the inclusion of one table.
In eight pages this paper defines and explores the various CIA communities and how information is obtained. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
In five pages Alfred Nobel is examined in a biographical consideration and examination of his contributions to military explosives. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this historical event is examined in terms of its pros and cons. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In twenty pages this paper examines real time computing and its importance from a military information perspective. Eighteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this paper presents an overview of Iran's arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this paper argues that the US was correct in refusing to sign the Treaty of Versailles. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
5 pages and 2 sources. This paper provides an overview of the experiences and record of A1C Pitsenberger, the first enlisted man to receive the Air Force Cross. This paper relates the views of this individual and his heroism through the criteria set by the Air Force.
In twenty one pages this paper considers the Holocaust atrocities, duty, and superior orders' defense. Twenty one sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 21
In six pages this paper discusses senior noncommissioned officers and the significance of the Noncommissioned Officer Education System. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In sixteen pages this paper examines J. Edgar Hoover's controversial leadership of the FBI in an overview that considers both its successes as well as its scandals. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 16
This paper consists of a twelve page examination of the alternative minimum tax and identifies how the middle class taxpayers are often subjected to it. There are four bibliographic sources cited.
Pages: 12
In six pages this paper presents an overview of the Oklahoma City bombing in an historical chronicle of the events that culminated in this tragedy. One source is cited in the bibliography.
In sixteen pages this report considers the twenty first century and the national security demands represented by warfare and defense with expeditionary aerospace force theory among the strategic topics discussed. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests and their effects upon acquisitions and streamlining. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages an essay considers why diversifying a Naval Construction Force is importance in order to encourage team unity as a way of dispelling harmful racist attitudes. There are three bibliographic sources cited.
In a paper consisting of five pages the NLRB is considered in an informational overview. There are three sources cited in the bibliography.
This research paper examines the functions performed by the U.S. Secretary of Defense, as the writer describes the duties and responsibilities assoicated with this position. The writer also compares this cabinet role with similar positions in other nations. This five page paper has three sources in the bibliography.
This paper consists of four pages and analyzes character within the context of this book by Simmons and Gaebelein.
This paper discusses the ways in which the US military markets itself and deals with public relations concerns. This five page paper has one source listed in the bibliography.
This book report on the unreported operations of the United States Navy consists of ten pages. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of five pages the historical evolution of the US Air Force insignia and its various designs are discussed. There are three bibliographic sources cited.
In ten pages the Office of Homeland Security federal government branch created in the aftermath of 911 is examined in terms of its obstacles and challenges regarding local, state, and federal agency antiterrorist efforts coordination. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages the Marines are examined in this historical overview. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
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