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This 3 page paper provides a SWOT analysis regarding email, PowerPoint and videoconferencing. No bibliography.
Pages: 3
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A 12 page research paper/essay that consists of 2 distinct parts. The first 6 pages offer a summaries of 10 research studies that pertain to inclusion classrooms. Then, a 6 page research paper is offered that discusses more studies, which analyzes the research in relation to inclusion. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Pages: 12
A 3 page research paper that elaborates on a research study proposal. In previous papers, this writer/tutor has provided guides to a student to aid in formulating a research study whose goal is to determine the effect of absenteeism in the elementary grades. This paper adds to the previous guides by discussing how to formulate ...
In eight pages this paper presents a proposed research study based upon this topic with a literature review and parameter outline included. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 8
This paper addresses the importance of illiteracy prevention, early identification of reading problems, and pertinent research studies. This four page paper has three sources listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 4
In eight pages this empirical research review examines the causes of high rates of absenteeism among teachers and the negative impact this has upon academic performance of students. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this research paper examines the impact of technology upon education with such topics as classroom teaching, educator approaches, and student performance discussed. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 6
A 3 page research paper that discusses collaborative learning communities, which are established between teachers, teachers and students and between the students themselves, have been found to provide an efficient and powerful framework for achieving academic goals. As this suggests, research that addresses the implementation and maintenance of such communities, exploring associated problems such as ...
The writer presents part of a research proposal, with the aim of identifying possible strategies for the improvement of student performance. The paper considers the context of the organization that the research will take place in, the potential perspectives of the stakeholders as well as looking at other environmental factors describing three methodologies. Five sources ...
Pages: 14
In twelve pages this paper discusses the student learning benefits of positive discipline as a major component of successfully managing a classroom. Around twenty sources from scholarly publications are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this research paper discusses primary age children and various classroom instruction approaches. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 7
In ten pages this research paper discusses children's reading and various classroom motivational strategies with current research applications also considered. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In seven pages this research paper examines teaching controversies in support of a combination of all three methods as a progressive alternative to conventional educational approaches. Thirty sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eleven pages this research paper examines 4 parenting patterns as they relate to the scholastic achievement of children. There is included an extensive bibliography.
Pages: 11
This essay focuses on interactive whiteboards, which are used more widely in the UK than Australia. The research proposes to discover why teachers do not use this technology to its full potential. A case study proposal is presented that will use interviews for obtaining data. All parts of a proper qualitative research proposal are included. ...
Pages: 19
A 6 page research paper that offers a literature review that examines a variety of sources in order to ascertain an overall understanding of how educators view cooperative learning, as well as what the latest research on this pedagogical method reveals about its efficacy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
In fourteen pages this paper presents a research proposal to investigate if new teachers are as classroom prepared as their predecessors were 2 decades ago. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this research proposal examines the importance of providing teachers with support during their first year with types of support, research findings, and suggestions included. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
This research paper offers a guide for writing a research proposal that outlines a study effort that has as its hypothesis the concept that student teachers are not as well prepared today for teahcing as they were in previous decades or even just five years ago. Topics addressed include stating the problem, offering hyptheses, surveying ...
In a paper of four pages, the writer looks at types of arguments. Proposals and evaluations are both examined. Paper uses four sources.
A research proposal regarding elementary school teachers and preparation for dealing with ADHD. There are 5 sources listed in the bibliography of this 3-page paper.
In a paper consisting of 5 pages special education students and alternative approaches to assessing them are discussed in terms of different types and the need for further research in assessment options. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 5
In nine pages this research project proposal considers how to better manage a junior high school classroom with a planning matrix and questionnaire along with study purpose and summary included. There is no bibliography provided.
Pages: 9
In five pages elementary schools are considered regarding career guidance thoughts with recommendations for 1 school program for career guidance and 2 activities with goals and anticipated outcomes discussed. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
This research paper offers a proposal for a research study for the State of Virginia, which could also be implemented elsewhere. It includes an abstract and all of the pertinent section of a study, including literature review, hypothesis and suggested methodology. The proposal endeavors to discuss the controvery over the issue of reducing class sizes ...
Pages: 15
In fifteen pages a proposed research study on classroom gender equality is presented. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
This research paper offers a proposal for a research study that would investigate the ramificationsn of class size on how well students perform academically. The writer points out that there has been considerable controversy on this issue. The proposal outlines the parameters of this research study, includng a literature review and discussion of possible results. ...
In three pages this paper presents a project proposal for an education study on researching gender inequities in a consideration of socialization with regard to gender roles, a summary, and future research recommendations. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In twenty five pages this research paper examines distance education in this study proposal that considers the negative effects represented by its lack of socialization. Fourteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 25
In sixty three pages a research proposal project on the Head Start program includes three chapters of background, literature review, and metodology along with a study and its results. Twenty nine sources are cited in the bibliography with an abstract also included.
Pages: 63
In seventeen pages and 3 pages a dissertation proposal on accountability standards as they pertain to school principals is presented. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography and 2 survey appendices are also included.
Pages: 17
In ten pages this budget proposal includes school demographics, each grade's classrooms, programs, and the school's vision and mission statement. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In four pages and four labeled parts this research project proposal on the learning process and the uses of live video are presented. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In nine pages this paper presents a hypothetical proposal on a research study regarding the correlation between class size and academic achievement that includes introduction, statement of the problem, hypothesis, concept definition, literature review, and other relevant subheadings. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In sixteen pages this research paper considers Florida's Palm Beach County School District in a presentation of a hypothetical proposal for a grant to fund an out of school suspension alternative program in a discussion of processes of evaluation and budgetary concerns. Fifteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 16
In fifteen pages the focus of this education action research proposal is junior high schools and how educator stress can be reduced, student morale improved, and overall academic effectiveness enhanced. Twenty one sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this research proposal studies the time length that should be alloted for elementary science instruction. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
A research proposal that examines standardized testing and curricula effects along with a literature review is presented in four pages. There are sources cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this paper presents a proposal to add Spanish to the curriculum of middle school in a consideration of cognitive advantages, program implementation options, and there are also statistics provide. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In twelve pages a research proposal to evaluate the effects a specialized class would have on the number of Hispanics who drop out of high school is examined through a suggested random selection of twenty two students that introduced to a positive educational program based on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test to compare their pre ...
In eight pages this research paper examines a research study proposal on high school students and the factors that motivate them. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In twenty pages this paper presents a study proposal for researching high school English languages classes and how motivation can be increased. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 20
In eight pages this action research project proposal focuses upon the importance of positive feedback in order for exceptional students in inclusion classrooms to receive passing grades. Thirteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
11 pages and 10 sources. This paper outlines a research proposal to address the literacy needs of adult learner populations, specifically Adult Basic Education students. This paper considers their specific challenges in terms of literacy learning and outlines a potential questionnaire to be used for research into their needs.
In eight pages this paper discusses this study proposal as an overview and also concludes a relevant outline. There are three sources cited in the bibliography.
A 15 page proposal for a research study, which includes a table of content and an abstract as part of this page total. This proposal describes a study that would examine the success or failure of inclusion at the high school level by examining the attitudes of general education teachers and special education teachers as ...
An 8 page proposal for a research study that proposes that the student-researcher will conduct a study of relevant literature that would summarize and synthesize the data that is currently available. The working hypothesis/assumption of this study is that such an examination of literature could be utilized to fashion an effective instructional guidelines that teachers ...
A 3 page paper. The book report includes what the word "paideia' means. It also reports the five assumptions of the reform proposal, the five categories of curriculum, the three ways to teach and learn and it discusses which instructional mode is best for which curriculum category. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The writer presents a proposal to research the way that the performance of school pupils may be improved, considering the research tools, aims and the desired outcome. Three sources are cited in the bibliography of this nine page paper.
The incidence of children living in single-parent homes continues to increase and it is usually the mother raising the children. Most of the literature dooms children living in this family structure but is that really true? Recent literature is offering a much brighter picture for these children. The paper reflects a research proposal that asks: ...
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