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This 3-page paper provides an example of how a SWOT analysis can be used to develop a new service or health care program. Bibliography lists one source.
Pages: 3
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A 5 page research paper on legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Pages: 5
A 3 page research paper on autism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Pages: 4
A 5 page research paper on legislation involving euthanasia. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This research paper describes issues that pertain to HIPAA compliance. Three pages in length, five sources are cited.
A 6 page research paper that examines ethical conflicts in research, focusing specifically problematic areas that have arisen in breast cancer research. A literature review is offered and then discussion addresses such issues as what this information reveals about various ethical conflict in research, such as patient consent, benefits to patients and society, therapeutic research, ...
Pages: 6
This research paper describes embryonic stem cell research, giving the background knowledge that is necessary to discuss this subjects intelligently. Moral issues are addressed, as the position of each side of this debate is described. The writer, citing research, argues that the moral issues can be avoided by using stem cells obtained from umbilical cord ...
In eight pages this research paper examines stress in a consideration of various strategies of adjustment and coping. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 8
In this paper consisting of 5 pages a trio of diabetes mellitus studies conducted by nurse researchers are discussed with synopses supporting the importance of intervention and continued research in order to more efficiently improve diabetes self-management . There are 3 bibliographic sources cited.
A literature review discussing stress and coping mechanisms and their effects on breast cancer is considered in six pages with the need for future research studies readily apparent. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages asthma, its management, and the effects of psychological and emotional states are considered in a literature review. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this research paper considers embryonic stem cells and current research in this area and how it represents therapeutic advantages in an argument opposing the human stem cell research proposed ban. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this research paper discusses the nursing profession in a consideration of the connection between research, practice, and theory. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
A 9 page research paper that presents an overview of stem cell research that looks at possible benefits, but primarily focuses on the issues being debated and the biological realities involved, before arguing a stance regarding US guidelines on this topic, which favors loosening restrictions on this valuable line of research. Bibliography lists 6 ...
Pages: 9
A 7 page research paper that summaries 5 research studies on type 2 diabetes management programs in order to answer the research question as to whether or not these programs improve clinical outcomes. Each study is profiled and then the writer offers discussion and analysis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Pages: 7
This 3 page paper argues that the U.S. health care system is a disgrace and needs overhaul immediately. It argues that John McCain’s proposals are unworkable and that a single-payer system should be put in place. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
In a paper consisting of eight pages this important issue of whether or not APOE can be considered a predictor of developing late onset Alzheimer's disease is examined in terms of current literature and a general information overview. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
A formal research proposal concerning patient safety, medical errors and uses of health care management theories to solve these issues. There are 25 sources listed in the bibliography of this 15-page paper.
Pages: 15
This research paper consists of nine pages and discusses diabetics and the importance of physical therapy with the physical therapist's role the primary focus. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In forty five pages this research paper presents a sociological overview of the implications of an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder. Thirty one sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 45
In three pages this research proposal involving human subjects and inheritable genes is presented. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper proposes a study and literature review on how breast cancer survivors benefit from support groups. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
This research paper describes several studies that investigated the relationship between HIV and HAART and aging. Three pages in length, five sources are cited.
In five pages this research proposal assesses the financial factors involved in the establishment of a head injury risk reduction advertising campaign targeting individuals between the ages of sixteen and twenty nine. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper considers Ritalin's effects on children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.
This research paper offers a proposal for a researech study that would exmine life satisfaction in relation to race, gender and religion. Based on the data from the Quality of American Life Survey, which was conducted in 1971 and replicated in 1978, this study would draw upon this data. This five page paper has six ...
9 pages and 6 sources. This paper considers the concept of fortitude and the ability of hospital personnel to assess fortitude. This paper relates the fact that at one facility, written complaints from a patients family were provided because of the need to define this concept. This paper contains sample materials, including ...
In nine pages this neonatal ICU staff addition is examined in terms of costs and benefits through an application of a SWOT analysis. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eighteen pages this paper provides various analyses of the Hammersmith and Fulham PCT in terms of SWOT and PESTLE analyses with recommendations also included. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 18
In nine pages Shands Healthcare is the focus of this paper that considers how to establish a long term strategy with financial and SWOT industry analyses provided and proper financial resources management. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
This research paper offers an overview of primary care practice drawing on a description that was published in 1994. The writer draws on 1990s sources in order to discuss the challenges facing this practice within the context of the era. Seven pages in length, seven sources are cited.
In ten pages this paper applies a SWOT analysis to Upsher Smith Laboratories in order to determine its positioning in the generic drug manufacturing industry. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In thirteen pages this paper analyzes the pain management clinic through SWOT, value chain, and management theory with long term recommendations also offered. Thirteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 13
The writer presents a proposal to evaluate whether or not the assessment of mental health patients for diabetes is effective and equivalent to the general population. The research outline includes an introduction, aims and objectives, literature review and research methodology. Twenty sources are cited in the bibliography of this eight page paper. ...
In ten pages this paper presents a vendor request proposal for the hospital installation of commication technology and includes formatting of an RFP, establishment information, project proposal and time schedules, some vendor examples, and a questionnaire. There are four sources listed in the bibliography.
In nine pages a research proposal and study outline to evaluate the APOE presence in terms of its prediction of late onset Alzheimer's development in a particular subject population are presented. There are five sources cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this research proposal features a problem introduction, an outline of the study's significance, poses a hypothesis, and provides a literature review of issues relevant to the topic. There are ten bibliographic sources cited.
In fifteen pages a proposal to investors involving marketing chiropractic office services over the Internet through website development is presented which includes the standard proposal considerations of company overview, executive summary, marketing plan and comparison, data, costs of establishment and maintenance, opportunities, obstacles, plans, research, and investor offerings. Eight sources are cited in the ...
In two pages this paper examines a memo addressed to Medicare and Medicaid Services' administrator Thomas Scully proposing policy changes regarding a compliance report waiver of six to nine months. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 2
This research paper addresses the fact that patients frquentlty have to wait in order to receive copie of their records. This paper offers a research proposal that uses both quantitative and qualitative methods that would lead to procedures that would reduce patient wait time. This five page paper has three soruces in the bibliography.
In three pages this proposal includes 3 arguments supporting the requirement of all young adults to sign an organ donation statement. There are no sources included.
In five pages this proposed research study on nursing homes and the issue of elderly incontinence, treatment, and intervention alternatives features an introduction, statement of the problem and reasoning, methodology, and a review of current research literature. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eighteen pages this project proposal includes a podiatry patient survey and standard proposal sections based upon the topic of rebuilding an existing podiatry firm. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In this paper containing twenty pages a literature review and disease prevention benefits of a vegetarian diet are considered in this proposal with an emphasis on decreased risks of obesity, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems along with other disorders. Methodology suggestions including measuring the body mass index comparing cholesterol levels and blood sugars among nonvegetarians ...
Pages: 20
In sixteen pages this research study proposal analyzes various treatment options for peripheral arterial disease or PAD.
Pages: 16
In eleven pages this paper presents a study proposal on how UTIs can be treated and prevented by drinking cranberry juice. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 11
A research paper that offers a proposal for research that would addresst he intricracies of nurse documentation, including such factors as its completeness and appripriateness, using a teaching hospital as the study location. This research addresses the fact that the need for appropriate nursing documentation is crucial and likely to increase in the future. ...
In this paper of eight pages investigating the management of pain in childbirth labor and delivery is proposed and includes an outline of steps that discusses breathing exercises, meditation, biofeedback, imaging techniques and emphasizes the effectiveness of music therapy. There are five sources cited in the bibliography.
In four pages this paper proposes a study of caffeine experimenting on human subjects in order to determine the effects on caffeine and blood levels, function of the lungs, and heart rate. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In thirteen pages this paper presents a sample thesis proposal that examines the significance of a psychotherapist incorporating Buddhist medication practices with methodology, recommendations, and research analysis included. Fourteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
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