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In seven pages this paper examines post 911 US Airways via a SWOT analysis. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 7
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the airline and the problems it has faced. A full SWOT analysis is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Pages: 5
In eleven pages this paper discusses the aviation industry and includes a SWOT analysis with the focus being starting a new flight school to meet pilot demand. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 11
A paper consisting of twelve pages and two parts the first examines British Airways Internet strategy via SWOT analysis and then considers the industry's use of the Internet with the use of Porter's Five Forces model. Nine sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 12
In eight pages United Air Lines is the focus of a post 2003 Chapter Eleven bankruptcy SWOT analysis. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 8
In four pages this paper examines the startup of a New Zealand airline in the tradition of Herb Kelleher's Southwest Airlines with strategy, planning, and a SWOT analysis included. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 4
In five pages a consideration of this airline that continues to struggle in the aftermath of September 11th is presented with the inclusion of a SWOT analysis and suggestions. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In thirteen pages the argument of whether or not low profits will continue to plague the airline industry is evaluated through SWOT, PEST, and Porters Five Forces analyses. There are ten bibliographic sources listed.
Pages: 13
In thirteen pages these two major airlines are compared in terms of ratio analyses and financial results with a SWOT analysis of each airline included. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography and one table is also included.
In twenty pages this paper examines the airline industry of Europe and includes industry development, SWOT and PEST analyses, Porter's Five Forces model, marketing trends, available resources, and also explores possible future directions it will take. Thirteen sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 20
In ten pages this paper considers the business of general aviation and its place in a discussion of benefits along with a SWOT analysis also provided. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In a paper consisting of ten pages the 777's development path is charted in terms of examining its general environment, external and internal environments and also offers a project SWOT analysis. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
In thirty pages this paper examines the impact of the 911 terrorist attacks on the airline industry in a discussion that also includes both PEST and SWOT analyses as well as competition alternatives and available approaches thereafter. Twenty four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 30
In thirty three pages and 2 parts an airline industry examination that includes SWOT, PEST, and Porter's Five Forces Model analyses is presented and then the strategy of British Airways is discussed. Twenty two sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 33
In a paper consisting of nine pages and subdivided into three sextions the challenges and problems of Airbus using SWOT analysis and McKinsey's 7 S's model are presented; PEST analysis and Porters Five Forces are applied to the Airbus and Boeing industry; and the last section employs a PEST analysis in order to explore key ...
Pages: 9
In thirteen pages general aviation is examined from a business perspective with a discussion of its beneficial uses and business potential with a SWOT analysis also included. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
AirAsia is the largest low cost air carrier in Asia. The firm has developed a number of competences including the use of e-commerce. Using a range of analysis tools, including a SWOT and value chain analysis and Porters Five Forces model, a strategic analysis is completed in order to assess the potential of m-commerce for ...
In a paper consisting of twelve pages a student submitted case study discusses the 2002 economic hardships the company was struggling with in an outline of its position, opportunities, problems, and ways in which cost cutting strategies might increase profits and revenues.
In eleven pages this paper is the 1st on 2 papers that presents a research proposal to effectively market in the United Kingdom low cost airlines with methodology, literature review, and a case study example of EasyJet's marketing included. Seven sources are listed in the bibliography.
This 18 page paper presents a proposal for the start-up of a new domestic low-cost airline in the Kingdom of Oman. The paper presents the proposal by looking at the service which will be offered, the market, the direct and indirect competition and the relevant financial projections for costs, revenues and profits in the first ...
Pages: 18
A 73 page paper discussing risk management and its effects on profitability in the airline industry. The paper is a dissertation proposal, providing a brief literature review; discussion of the literature review method of study; qualitative analysis; and a plan for assessment of the information gained from the literature review-based study. Bibliography lists ...
Pages: 73
In fourteen pages a Chinese Guizhou province international airport development proposal is presented in terms of development as well as long term implications and stakeholders' satisfaction. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 14
This 10 page paper is the beginning proposal for a research study that asks if there is a relationship between operational risk management and profitability in the airline industry. The paper presents the problem, the questions, an overview of the literature on the topics and the research design. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
In ten pages this paper examines how all aspects of the airline industry have been influenced by low cost airlines. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.
A 7 page paper discussing the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) influence on aviation safety throughout the world. Standards are initiated either by the ICAO or any member state beginning with a proposal or request. The matter is reviewed by those qualified to make judgments in the operational area the request addresses, who ...
In eight pages this paper analyzes ValuJet Airlines in a case study analysis that includes organizational structure, and its market niche. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In twelve pages this paper presents an overview and study methodology on this topic.
In forty seven pages this paper examines how RyanAir should develop strategically in the future in a consideration of competition most notably from EasyJet, methodology, and a literature review with strategy recommendations included. Fifty sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 47
In thirteen pages this paper considers various aerospace and aircraft manufacturing methodologies as well well as the effects of computer assisted design in terms of how they have revolutionized the industry. There are eight bibliographic sources cited.
This 79 page paper is a dissertation style paper undertaking research to look at how the Scandinavian airline SAS can improve customer loyalty and the potential of using customer relationship management (CRM) to achieve increased loyalty. The paper looks at the development of the company, how they compete and the current loyalty system that is ...
Pages: 79
A 6 page paper. This essay discusses a number of aspects related to helicopter flight. The issues and conditions discussed include how the craft achieves lift, the effect of the air flowing over the blades, torque, drag and centrifugal force. The effects of transverse flow and settling with power are also included in the discussion. ...
Pages: 6
A paper that contains ten pages employs qualitative analysis and literature reviews to an aerospace industry case study that includes FTA analysis and the SA433FTA paper. There are five bibliographic sources cited.
In five pages Boeing's recent history is presented in the form of an overview with manufacturing revisions the primary focus and how they assisted the company in regaining its status in a highly competitive industry. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In this paper consisting of twenty four pages the paper is subdivided into five parts to discuss the airline's advertising strategy and marketing and how they have translated into customer effectiveness and professional success. There are twenty one bibliographic sources listed.
Pages: 24
In three pages this case study analysis emphasizes how one airline could have provides better customer service needs. There is no bibliography included.
Pages: 3
In seventeen pages the airline industry is examined in terms of its structure and the influences such as entry barriers, performance, and conduct. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 17
In eleven pages this paper discusses pilot error and considers reasons behind airplane crashes that result and offers problem solutions. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this paper examines the 1985 plane crash of Delta flight 191 in an evaluation of how effective the rescue efforts that occurred afterwards were. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of nine pages the cause of this tragic crash by the horizontal stabilizer failure of a jackscrew gimbal nut assembly is examined as are possible ways in which this crash could have been prevented. There are ten bibliographic sources cited.
In a paper that contains six pages such issues as budgetary constraints and controls as well as security matters that face airport managers are explored and a discussion of how simulation models can offer future assistance is also included. There are nine sources listed in the bibliography.
In five pages the January 13, 1982 crash of Florida's Flight 90 is examined in response effort overview. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In ten pages this paper discusses passenger flow in a consideration of the importance of an airport's layout with simulation models and their determination role among the topics considered. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.
In thirty three pates this paper considers the impact both direct and indirect of deregulation on the European airline industry with the emphasis upon British Airways with geographic performance, comparisions between EU performance and the world along with alternate loss possibilities also discussed. Forty sources are listed in the bibliography.
In eight pages this argumentative paper supports increasing airport security in light of the terrorist attacks of September 2001 in a consideration of advantages, disadvantages, and costs both financial and human. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
In eight pages this 1997 crash is examined in terms of the human factors that contributed to it based upon the NTSB's official determinations that resulted in MSAW system changes. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In a paper that consists of five pages the incorporation of advanced human factor and ergonomic design features into the cockpits of the Joint Strike Fighter and YF 22 fighter are discussed with comparisons to F16 fighters in terms of improvements. There are five bibliographic sources cited.
In seven pages this paper provides an informational overview of the Kansai International Airport. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper discusses airplanes and the problems of aging wiring in an overview of causes, symptoms, and how to reduce the dangers it can pose. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.
In five pages this paper discusses early 20th century passenger aviation that from the Boeing 247 to the Concorde with on board flight flight management among the topics considered. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of ten pages the exhaustive training individuals must undergo in order to become astronauts is examined as is the equal demands of performance both physically and mentally. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.
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