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This paper examines Mozilla and Its Firefox Browser. A SWOT analysis is included. There are three sources included in the bibliography of this four page paper.
Pages: 3
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In eight pages this paper discusses how to conduct Internet research on this topic with a consideration of the websites to be used and their relevance. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 8
In five pages this paper considers a case study of Woolworth's, an important Australian food retailer, in terms of generating greater Internet sales with an accounting and operational examination and a SWOT analysis is also included. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 5
In ten pages this paper examines the connection between ecommerce and international business with various topics discussed and a general ecommerce SWOT analysis is also provided. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 10
In five pages this paper presents a WebTV SWOT analysis. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages eBay strategy at both corporate and business levels is evaluated through Porter's Five Forces and SWOT analyses. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 7
In seven pages this paper examines Internet auctions in a consideration of eBay, Amazon, and Dell with ratings compared and success factors as well as a SWOT analysis also included. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
8 pages and 4 sources used. This paper provides an overview of the use of a program called IMPACT that integrates IT systems that can be used across company subsidiaries. This paper considers the overall impact of the use of the IMPACT IT program for the Cadbury Company a.k.a. Cadbury Schweppes Group which ...
This research paper offers a research prposal that exmaines changing the procurement proposal process in government from a mail-centered base to one that is electronically adminsitered. This guide to a proposal endeavors to gain funding for such an investigation. This three page paper has five sources in the bibliography.
In fifteen pages 'etailing' is examined within the context of the late 1990s' collapse with a SWOT analysis also applied. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 15
In seven pages this paper discusses mortar and bricks' company Barnes and Noble in an examination of various emarketing strategies with a SWOT analysis included. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
A paper examining e-commerce strategy of the global communication giant, Sprint. The author includes a SWOT analysis of Sprint's strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the company within their electronic operations. This seven page paper has seven sources listed in the bibliography.
The internet is becoming a popular shopping media, Shop4Now is an internet mall based in Ireland, The writer examines the firm using a range of analytical tools, including a SWOT analysis and the 4 C’s and then considers the strategies that may help the firm expand. Seven sources are cited inthis sixteen page paper.
Pages: 16
Expedia is a well known online company selling a wide range of travel services form airline and hotel rooms so insurance and attraction tickets. This 20 page paper examines the competitive position and strategies of Expedia. The paper starts with a brief consideration of the history of the company and its’ current position and then ...
Pages: 20
In nine pages this paper considers how Southwest Airlines has ventured into ecommerce in an examination of how it is offering customers the options to purchase reservations and tickets online with a SWOT analysis and strategic management principles also provided. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 9
In twenty eight pages the electronic commerce industry is examined in an exhaustive examination that includes definitions of different category classifications as well as a SWOT analysis. Twenty three sources are cited in the bibliography.
Pages: 28
In a paper of six pages, the writer looks at digital communications and identity. The relationship between technology and identity is examined in the context of a research proposal. Paper uses three sources.
Pages: 6
In a paper of six pages, the writer looks at secure website development. Issues such as cookies, SSL, and SQL security are analyzed. Paper uses five sources.
In seven pages this preproposal is presented in terms of adult learning characteristics, technology influence, collaborative academic environment facilitation, and 3 possible research questions are posed at the conclusion of this instructional approach for tutors and teachers of adult learners of English as a Second Language. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography.
A paper providing an outline of a dissertation to implement an e-commerce division within a large company. The author discusses pros and cons, security and legal issues, and different e-commerce approaches. This five page paper has eleven sources listed in the bibliography.
This paper presents an outline of a research proposal project within e-commerce. The research project examines the pro's and con's faced by existing businesses expanding into e-commerce. The author provides the most effective strategies for entering the e-commerce marketplace and thriving in the on-line environment. This four page paper has one source listed ...
Pages: 4
In four pages a dissertation proposal that evaluates IP telephony's status and future is outlined. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.
In a paper consisting of seven pages a research project for examining the network based intrusion detention systems is discussed and includes the hypothesis that recommends open source to vendor system versions, outlines goals and explores methodology. There are five bibliographic sources listed.
In seven pages an e-Commerce developmental business model is proposed along with accompanying methodology and literature review. There are five bibliographic sources listed.
In twenty seven pages this research proposal discusses how Decision Support Systems are employed with regard to eCommerce, includes a literature review, and reveals how a student can research DSS use in any type of industry after identifying a relevant option model. There are eleven bibliographic sources listed.
Pages: 27
In eight pages this paper considers IT projects in a proposed investigation involving how to implement ITPM as a way of addressing problems with communications with a work plan and outline included. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
A HCP Portal The writer present a plan to implement a HCP Portal for a pharmaceutical company, outlining the plan, presenting justification and a framework for the way that the service will be provided as well as considering the way to meet the needs of the target market. Ten sources are cited in the bibliography ...
Pages: 17
Schools are now using the internet and web pages, not only as a learning tool or teaching aid, but to communicate with stakeholders such as parents. This 18 page paper is a reseach proposal to look at how schools are using their web pages so communicate in terms of marketing communication and communicating with stakeholders. ...
Pages: 18
7 pages in length. The writer offers a proposal to research the impact of Internet communication on real-life socialization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Web based learning programs and the suitability of various types of personality are the focus of this proposed research project consisting of seven pages with methodology, literature review, and data assessment included. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
The paper suggests the way in which a website with suitable database and payment system may be created to support the sale of artwork. The approach to the database creation looks a suitable structure. The writer looks at the use of Paypal as the payment system. Six sources are cited in the bibliography of this ...
In four pages and earlier proposal is continued involving Riordan Manufacturing's implementation of Activity Directory in order to establish further idea development and group identification. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
In sixteen pages an overview of the process of becoming an IT consultant is presented along with necessary skills, advantages and disadvantages of independent consulting, ways to secure potential client and discussion of government contracting as well as individual business information. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In four pages this paper presents a research proposal that examines how participation in politics can be encouraged through the Internet. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In six pages this paper discusses SCM in terms of the changes initiated by the Internet with 6 variables and questions offered for research purposes. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In four pages both sides of the issue regarding democratization and the Internet are discussed with an emphasis upon informations pertaining to health with the inclusion of a research project proposal. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.
This paper addresses various ways in which an e-voting process can expose the democratic process to the dangers of hacking. The author provides a research proposal, a thesis, and makes suggestions for further investigation. This four page paper has two sources listed in the bibliography.
In ten pages this paper examines how children using the Internet makes them vulnerable to various dangers including tobacco and alcohol advertisement exposure and child pornography. Seventeen sources are cited in the bibliography.
This 5 page paper is a proposal for a study to look at the best type of CRM to use in a hotel in Kazakhstan. The paper includes an introduction, objectives, brief literature review and presents an outline methodology for primary research. The bibliography cites 18 sources.
In five pages this report considers a request for proposal and the response process in the example of a regional construction company that has a $2.5-3 million gross income annually with a discussion of what the site should accomplish and the ways in which a consultant and determine and communicate to the company the possibilities. ...
In nine pages this paper probes the psychology of World Wide Web 'cybersocieties' in a consideration of intimate relationships forged on the Internet. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.
In seven pages this proposed September 1999 CESA is examined in terms of the legislation's limitations and lack of action. Twelve footnotes in eight sources are cited in the bibliography.
In one hundred seven pages this paper presents an implementation plan for eGovernment that includes a complete program, plan schedule, requirements, hardware and software recommendations, UAE and Abu Dhabi's GEC examples, and a literature review is also included. Forty six sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 107
In twenty nine pages this paper examines information systems and information technology development in an analysis of technological, social, economic, and political influences with Hong Kong government and banking examples included. Twenty two sources are listed in the bibliography.
Pages: 29
In twenty one pages this paper considers student conducted research on school information technology barriers and includes methodology, analysis, and results of teacher and student questionnaires with recommendations offered.
Pages: 21
A paper discussing the emergence and growth of e-commerce in China, among both private industry and government. The author references relevant literature and provides methodology for the review. This five page paper has five sources listed in the bibliography.
In five pages website design system methodologies that are information based, relationship based and structure based are discussed. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
In three pages information technology professionals are considered in terms of research and Internet data collection.
This paper examines how journalistic coverage of war has been affected by global communication and new technology in 15 pages. Fifteen sources are cited in the bibliography.
In five pages this student submitted case discusses an IT system's gender demonstration in its I methodology design as considered in the article 'Configuring the User as Everybody: Gender and Design Cultures in Information and Communication Technologies.' Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
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